posted on Jan. 19: Applications invited for new teaching and learning grants

The Centre for Leadership in Learning invites applications for grants in support of projects designed to improve the quality of students' learning at McMaster.
Eligibility: McMaster instructors, teaching assistants, students, or departments may apply, singly or in groups.
1. The key criterion for these grants is that the project should improve the quality of students' learning. The project should deal with an identified learning problem and the application should describe the evidence that led the applicant to decide that this was the problem.
2. Projects involving applied educational research are acceptable. This is defined as research whose purpose is to determine how students in a particular class or course can learn more or more effectively. It does not extend to theoretical studies.
3. The CLL does not fund projects that involve normal instructional tasks such as updating course content, preparing bibliographies, etc.
4. The grant fund is intended to provide seed money and not to support ongoing expenses. Preference will be given to projects that receive tangible support from the department or faculty and, as far as possible, are assured of continuing support.
Application Procedure: Applications for grants up to $1,000 may be submitted at any time. The completed application form should be submitted to the Centre for Leadership in Learning, GSB-217. A response will be provided within two weeks.
The deadline for the next round of applications for grants of over $1,000 is Feb. 28, 2001. Five copies of the completed application form should be submitted to the CLL, GSB-217.
Results of the competition for grants of over $1,000 will be announced in early April. In some cases, partial funding may be awarded, with a condition that further support be sought from Human Resources Development Canada.
Each successful applicant is required to submit a written report on the project to the CLL, and is expected to participate in seminars or discussions on teaching and learning at McMaster University.
More information and application forms can be found on the CLL Web site
If you have a question about a grant submission, contact the Centre for Leadership in Learning at ext. 24540.