posted on Jan. 11: Jan. 9 Senate meeting highlights

The McMaster Senate met Jan. 9 and dealt with a number of items. (See also New 5-year program combines chemical engineering, biosciences and New programs approved for arts & science, peace studies, health studies, information technology.)
The highlights are:
- NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems
Senate approved the creation of this research chair to be based in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The research will focus on fuel cells, energy stystems analysis, ceramics, energy conversion, fluid mechanics and reactor design. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has committed funding to the chair. The University will build on its expertise in small ceramic fuel cells and will work with the Fuel Cell Technologies Corporation to develop a commercial product. The research at McMaster will range from developing ceramic powders for the cell membrane to designing the fuel cell stack.
- Closed Searches for Senior Level Administrators Continue
The Senate committe on appointments recently debated the merits of conducting open searches for senior University administrators. The discussion arose after the committee received a “number of letters from members of the University community” during the recent search for a new provost and vice-president academic, recommending an open search. The advantages and disadvantages of the open and closed formats were “thoroughly aired during the discussion, but in the end, no one was inclined to argue against the status quo, i.e. closed searches,” a committee report said.
- Joint Committee Set Up to Revise Load Teaching Guidelines
Senate approved the creation of a joint faculty association/Senate committee to review the guidelines for load teaching in part-time degree studies and submit any possible revisions to Senate for approval. Each group will appoint two representatives to sit on the committee.