Posted on Aug. 7: Students, families will be given warm welcome


Making the leap from high school to university can be challenging. To help ease the transition, Student Affairs has planned a day of activities for new students and their families.

Friday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., all first-year students and their families are invited to Welcome Day at the McMaster campus to start orienting themselves with their new home.

The day will include tours, information sessions, opportunities to talk with staff from various student services, displays by a number of student clubs, a barbecue lunch, and the option of staying overnight in one of the residences.

All students received information about Welcome Day in Contact 2002, a guide to McMaster, which is mailed to all first-year students. The booklet includes a schedule and descriptions of events for Welcome Day, so that new students are able to decide what most interests them and how to spend their day before they come to campus.

Topics of information sessions include finances, employment, the MSU, computers, health and safety, security, off-campus housing, insider tips from McMaster alumni, professional schools and postgraduate work, thriving at McMaster, residence and social sciences.

The sessions are beneficial for both students and parents. Part of the goal of the student affairs office for Welcome Day is to help parents feel better about sending their children to university. By detailing the services in place, parents know that their sons/daughters have places to go if they need anything.

Tours are available of the entire campus, the Career Planning & Employment Centre, the Centre for Student Development, each of the four libraries, the Museum of Art, the Ivor Wynne Centre and the athletic facilities, the Student Centre and residences

For more information, contact the Student Affairs Department at or 905-525-9140 ext. 27455.