posted on April 5: Final examination update: labour studies courses

Please note that the Labour Studies Program has made the
following arrangements regarding final examinations in Labour
Studies courses: 1AO3; 1ZO3EVE; 2CO3EVE; 3DO3EVE. The
format of these exams has been changed to a “take-home
exam.” Students will be able to choose one of the following
options in order to complete these exams:
(1) pick up a copy of the exam on the picket line at the beginning
of the scheduled time of the exam;
(2) download the exam via e-mail beginning at the scheduled
time of the exam;
(3) pick up a copy of the exam at the location and time of the
registrar-scheduled exam indicated on the Undergraduate
Examination Timetable.
Students who choose this last option can take the exam away
with them and submit the completed exam as indicated in the
instructions on the exam paper; OR sit and write the exam at the
designated location and for the prescribed time.
In all cases, a set of possible exam questions will be circulated
a few days in advance of the exam; the actual exam questions
will be a sub-set of these questions and will be revealed on the
scheduled date and time for the specific exam. Regardless of
which option is chosen, all students in each course will write the
same examination.
Any questions should be directed to the respective instructors of
these courses. The length of the exam will not exceed the
original scheduled alloted time.