Posted on April 23: Students bid McMaster campus farewell for another year

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Attendants direct traffic as students move out”]
More than 2,900 students will move out of residence April 25 to 29, with almost 2,723 of these moving out between Tuesday, April 27 and Thursday, April 29. Student
residences on-campus officially close on Thursday, April 29. It will be busy on the roadways near the residences in both the north and west quads, particularly during the peak periods between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
University staff who travel the roadway and/or park in Zone 2 opposite McKay Hall, the Commons Building and Woodstock Hall will find this area particularly busy over the next few days. To avoid the bustle of cars pulling in and out of the parking spots and the general increase in pedestrian and vehicular traffic in this area, staff are encouraged to park in Zone 2 south of the tennis courts for the next few days.
Attendants wearing safety vests will be working shifts in both the north and west quads starting Sunday, April 25. These student attendants will ensure that visiting cars do not block roadways, fire lanes or pedestrian walkways. Pedestrians in the west quad should note that cars will be allowed to drive to Moulton, Matthews and Wallingford Halls along the emergency roadway north and east of Mary E. Keyes Residence to stop in designated areas to load students and their belongings. Again, student attendants will ensure that cars move safely in one direction only and do not block access for emergency vehicles.
Parking & Transit Services and McMaster Security have assisted in the preparation of the move-out plan to ensure the residence move-out runs smoothly.
Off-campus, Hamilton Police Service, City by-law, and McMaster Security officers will be making their presence known throughout the residential areas surrounding campus. Extra officers and a strong presence, mainly in the Westdale area, will be in place to assist in a smooth transition with minimum disruption to the neighbourhood.
The Swap-o-rama Weekend (previously known as the Dump & Run) will run from April 23-25. This event will help decrease the number of reusable items that are sent to the dump by the campus community during the student move-out. Students and residents surrounding McMaster are encouraged to put out reusable items that could benefit someone else. Visit for more information.