Paying homage to a Canadian literary great

Alice Munro stamp and letter

McMaster is helping to celebrate one of Canada’s greatest literary talents.

A handwritten letter penned by Alice Munro and housed in McMaster’s William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, has provided the backdrop for a stamp recently issued by Canada Post honouring the Nobel Prize winning author.

Munro is best known for her collections of short stories including the classics “Lives of Girls and Women” and “The Moons of Jupiter.”

The letter is part of a collection of correspondence contained in the McMaster archives written by Munro to Douglas Gibson, her publisher and editor at MacMillan Canada. Canada Post contacted McMaster about incorporating the letter into the stamp design after discovering the letters on McMaster University Library’s website.

McMaster is home to the archives of a number of Canadian publishers including MacMillan Canada, McClelland and Stewart, Key Porter Books, and Clarke Irwin.


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