McMaster Archive

November 11, 2002

Posted on Nov. 11: Marauders secure Yates Cup

In front of a capacity crowd, the McMaster Marauders secured their third straight OUA Yates Cup Championship Saturday by defeating the Queen's Golden Gaels 33-19. The top-ranked Marauders will host the fourth-ranked Atlantic University Sport monarchs and defending Vanier Cup champions Saint Mary's Huskies in the CIS National Semifinal Churchill Bowl at Les Prince Field Saturday, Nov. 16. Kick-off is scheduled for 12 p.m. The winning team of this game will vie for the national championship Vanier Cup to be held in Toronto at the SkyDome Saturday, Nov. 23 at 1 p.m.

November 11, 2002

Posted on Nov. 11: McMaster’s soldier poet: Bernard Freeman Trotter

On Nov. 11, we remember the brave men and women who died serving our country. In this article, a McMaster graduate and soldier poet is remembered. In a Remembrance Day address in 1996, the then University Chancellor, James Taylor, reviewed the accomplishments of fellow alumnus Bernard Freeman Trotter. He aptly described him as a memorable and worthy representative of those McMaster graduates and students who died serving in the two world wars of the 20th century and whose names are honoured in Alumni Memorial Hall. Toronto-born Bernard Freeman Trotter was educated at Baptist schools, Horton Academy in Nova Scotia and Woodstock College in Ontario, the latter an affiliate of McMaster University. In the fall of 1907, in the company of his brother, Reginald - a future historian at Queen9s University in Kingston -he embarked for sunny California in the hope of improving his shaky health. A year spent tending a lemon ranch and two years as a private teacher on the Pacific Coast appeared to do the trick. In 1910 he returned to Canada and enrolled in McMaster University, the Baptist institution then located in Toronto where his English-born father, Thomas, served on the theological faculty. By the time Bernard reached his senior year, the Great War (or the First World War) had erupted in Europe and Canada had entered the fight alongside what was then styled the Mother Country. Consequently, in his final months at McMaster, academic studies shared time with the duties he undertook in the University9s war-inspired Officers9 Training Corps. Room was also found, however, for other undergraduate pursuits, including his active participation in campus clubs and literary groups, where he shone as a poet, some of his pieces making it all the way to Harper9s Magazine and other American journals. Not surprisingly, he served as a productive editor of the McMaster University Monthly, a forerunner of the Silhouette and other student publications on campus. In an early wartime issue of the Monthly, his contribution, "To the Students of Liege," feelingly expressed his reaction to the German invasion of "little" Belgium, the act that had helped to trigger Britain9s entry into the war in August 1914. In old Liege, when those dark tidings came Of German honour callously forsworn And the red menace that should bring the scorn Of ages on the Kaiser9s name and shame And crown their city with a deathless fame, The students wrote, they say, that summer morn For their degrees, then joined the hope forlorn Of Liberty, and passed in blood and fame. O valiant souls! Who loved not Duty less Than Honor, whom no fears could move to shirk The common task, no tyrant9s threat subdue When Right and Freedom called in their distress - Not vain your sacrifice nor lost your work: The World9s free heart beats high because of you. In the circumstances, Bernard, a wartime student himself, was understandably anxious to "do his own bit" following his graduation in 1915. But he was in for a disappointment. Because his health could still be problematic at times, he was deemed medically unfit for service in the Canadian armed forces. Nevertheless, a welcome opportunity to serve came his way shortly after he had embarked on postgraduate studies at the University of Toronto. When the hard-pressed British (Imperial) army announced plans to recruit Canadians and other colonials, as they were then dubbed, for service in its officer corps, he eagerly applied. Health considerations in this case seemed to pose no problem; his application for a commission was accepted and he left Toronto for England in March 1916. Following a training period, part of which was spent amongst Oxford9s "dreaming spires," the freshly minted lieutenant was posted to the maelstrom known as the Western Front. In due course he was assigned to the 11th Battalion of the Leicestershire (Pioneer) Regiment. Bernard9s experiences in England and France were graphically and often amusingly related in a series of well-preserved letters to his family. In what turned out to be his last one, written on April 27, 1917, he advised his "Dear People" that he had recently been appointed assistant transport officer in his battalion and given the task of bringing up supplies to the front line. "... I [soon] found myself," he disclosed, ...mounted on my trusty steed in charge of a convoy, sniffing again the acrid reek of high explosive, and listening with a very personal interest to the whistle and bang of the shells. We had a few rather warm moments during the night but ... we got back without any untoward incident, so I had my usual good luck .... Then, a few days later, on May 7, 1917, Bernard9s good luck sadly and abruptly ran out. While again convoying supplies he came under heavy shellfire and was instantly killed. He was 26. After his death, Bernard9s family assembled and published his poetry. His poetry collection appeared in 1917 under the title A Canadian Twilight and Other Poems of War and of Peace and would join In Flanders9 Fields and the other literary contributions that were such a defining and poignant feature of the Great War. It was greeted with favourable reviews at home and abroad. An enthusiastic Times Literary Supplement, for one, hailed the author as the "Canadian Soldier Poet" and praised him for his "3ardent love of letters." The book was subsequently reprinted in Canada and over the years several of its poems have been selected for Canadian and American anthologies. In 1927, a grateful French government had his name inscribed in a section of the Pantheon in Paris devoted to those writers and poets who had fought and died in France during the conflict. Bernard Freeman Trotter9s wartime letters now repose in the McMaster University Library thanks to the generosity of his nephew and namesake, Bernard Fisher Trotter, also a McMaster graduate (945). The latter also kindly provided information and the photograph for this article.

November 10, 2002

Posted on Nov. 10: McMaster ranks in Maclean’s top five for innovation, quality, best overall

McMaster University continues to be ranked as one of Canada's top innovative universities by Maclean's magazine. In the reputational survey section of the Nov. 11 ranking issue, McMaster continues to be in the top five in the areas of 'highest quality,' 'most innovative' and 'best overall' and placed second in the 'most innovative' category. The annual Maclean's ranking takes a measure of the undergraduate experience, comparing universities in three peer groupings. McMaster is ranked in the medical doctoral category that includes universities with a broad range of PhD programs and research, as well as medical schools.

November 8, 2002

Posted on Nov. 8: Diploma and certificate studies students graduate tonight

McMaster's Centre for Continuing Education rolls out the red carpet tonight to celebrate the achievements of some 225 students who are completing their certificate and diploma studies. The students will be honoured at a Graduation and Awards ceremony in the McMaster University Student Centre beginning at 7 p.m. Among those completing programs and courses are Sara Lake, a single mom and a full-time employee in telecommunications at McMaster, and Angela McKague, a fourth-year psychology major at McMaster. Both have gained an enriched learning experience through their continuing education studies. "Their stories show what can be achieved through certificate and diploma programs offered by the Centre for Continuing Education," says Anne Dwyer, CCE program co-ordinator. "Sara was able to apply credits from a diploma program to an undergraduate program and Angela has developed a specialization in addictions while pursuing full-time undergraduate studies."

November 8, 2002

Posted on Nov. 8: McMaster will pause to remember

The Toronto Star reports that poppy sales have soared this year. The legion believes the fight against terrorism is partially responsible for the increased demand for poppies they are seeing this year. Some may wear a poppy as a sign of respect for those who lost their lives in the fight for freedom. Others wear poppies as a sign of remembrance so they may never forget the loss of life. Remembrance Day ceremonies will be taking place around the world on Monday, Nov. 11, including a ceremony at McMaster from 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. in Convocation Hall. The Office of Alumni Advancement invites all students, faculty and staff to the ceremony which will honour those members of McMaster University who gave their lives in World War I and World War II. McMaster President Peter George will read the Honour Roll. Also speaking at the event will be McMaster Chancellor Melvin Hawkrigg and McMaster Students Union president Evan Mackintosh, who will read a Remembrance Day poem. There will also be a Remembrance Day reading by Anne Plessl, development officer in Mills Memorial Library.

November 8, 2002

Posted on Nov. 8: Students convoke today at Hamilton Place

Today, 789 individuals will leave Hamilton Place with a very significant piece of paper. McMaster confers undergraduate and graduate degrees at two Fall Convocation ceremonies Friday, Nov. 8, while also recognizing four outstanding leaders in public service, medical science and urban design. Legendary hockey dad Walter Gretzky, media executive Israel Asper, esteemed Japanese physician Shigeaki Hinohara and award-winning architect Raymond Moriyama, each receive honorary degrees. Pictured top, Isreal Asper reviews a convocation program prior to giving his address at this morning's ceremony. Pictured bottom, Walter Gretzky poses for a photo with McMaster President Peter George. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay

November 7, 2002

Posted on Nov. 7: Outstanding graduate student awarded Governor General’s Academic Medal

A strong thesis and a productive PhD program, rich with published papers and important findings in the area of copper metabolism, have earned Collins Kamunde the 2002 Governor General's Academic Medal. The medal is awarded to the graduate student who achieves the highest academic standing in his/her graduate degree program. Kamunde came to McMaster in 1998 to complete his doctorate under the supervision of biology professor and fish physiologist Chris Wood. Already the holder of a BA and M.Sc. in veterinary science and veterinary anatomy, Kamunde had a strong background in animal research and academic preparation upon arriving at McMaster. He is on study leave from his position as an assistant professor in the veterinary anatomy department at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Kamunde finished his doctoral program at McMaster in under four years, contributing significant new findings to his chosen area of research. His work examined copper metabolism and toxicity in fish with particular emphasis on the interactions between waterborne and dietary uptake pathways.

November 7, 2002

Posted on Nov. 7: McMaster makes a difference in women’s lives

Every year, 585,000 women die due to pregnancy-related complications. It's a statistic that makes Jean Chamberlain cringe. But with McMaster's expertise, it's possible to reduce these numbers, she says. "McMaster has always had a strong voice in international health. There are so many people here who have ideas on how we can be involved on a more personal level." That's one reason the assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at McMaster has organized the fourth annual International Women's Health Symposium Friday, Nov. 8 at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Burlington. "The intent of the symposium is to bring people together with like-minded ideas," she says. "It gives people practical suggestions on how to move forward and participate in women's health." Called International Women's Health: Making a Difference, the conference will feature: Sally Armstrong, Canadian journalist and author, who will speak about women in conflict; Audrey McLaughlin, former federal NDP leader, will discuss the politics of women's health care from an international perspective; John Sellors, senior medical adviser of reproductive health in Seattle, Washington, will discuss developing technology and measuring impact in low resource settings; Florence Mirembe, chair of obstetrics/gynecology at Makerere University in Uganda, will speak on the challenges and victories of Ugandan Women living with HIV/AIDS; Yves Berjevin, chief of health at UNICEF New York, will discuss how UNICEF and multinational organizations make a difference in international women's health; Sonia Anand, chair of women's health at McMaster University, will speak on how poor health takes years off many women's lives. The day-long conference is for health care professionals and students, and is open to the public. The cost is $75 and includes lunch. For information, contact McMaster's continuing education program at 905-525-9140 ext. 22671.

November 7, 2002

Posted on Nov. 7: Marauders vie for Yates Cup

For the third consecutive year, McMaster will host the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) Yates Cup championship football game. The Marauders will take on the Queen's Golden Gaels Saturday, Nov. 9 at 1 p.m. at Les Prince Field. McMaster Marauders defeated York Yeomen, 29-14, in the OUA semi-finals this weekend. Queens defeated The University of Western Ontario in the other OUA semi-final. Mike Ray led the scoring with five field goals, the longest being 36 yards. Quarterback Jon Behie was 11 for 26 for 168 yards and scored one rushing touchdown. Kyle Pyear had the other McMaster touchdown and led the ground attack, with 100 yards on 25 carriers. Brandon Little led the defence with two interceptions. The winner of the Yates Cup will play in the Churchill Bowl game Saturday, Nov. 16. The winning team of this game will vie for the national championship Vanier Cup to be held in Toronto at the SkyDome Saturday, Nov. 23 at 1 p.m. Ticket prices for Saturday's championship game are: Adult - $10 Student - $8 Senior - $8 McMaster Student - $5 Children under 10 - $5 Children under 3 -- free Tickets are available beginning Tuesday at 12 p.m. at the following locations at no service charge: McMaster Information Centre, in the McMaster Student Centre McMaster Locker Room Service Area, in the McMaster Ivor Wynne Centre (Athletic Complex) Copps Coliseum Box Office McMaster Spirit Store at Lime Ridge Mall Les Prince Stadium on the McMaster University Campus, one hour prior to game time Tickets are also available through Ticketmaster at 905-527-7666, and all Ticketmaster outlets. Normal service charges apply. For more information, contact the athletics & recreation department at or at ext. 24463

November 7, 2002

Posted on Nov. 7: McMaster’s MacShad students claim top environmental prize

Sometimes the simplest message has the greatest impact on the environment. It can also have the biggest reward. Students of McMaster's Shad Valley program, known locally as MacShad, received the best overall award from the RBC Shad Entrepreneurship Competition for the "Big Green Tree Planting Kit", which includes Marvin's Tree, a story about a bird who searches for a new home after his tree is destroyed. "We're really proud of winning this award," says Bob Loree. "It really says a lot for McMaster and the faculty, staff and students that we have here." The 52 students who came to McMaster in July for the Shad program were instructed to create a project that would benefit the environment. Divided into four groups, the students were given four weeks to design, build, market, and present a product or service to a panel of judges. The 'Big Green Tree Planting Kit' was selected for entrance into the fifth annual RBC competition. This is the second time McMaster has claimed the top prize. They also won first place for prototype and third for their business plan. The kit includes five tulip tree seeds per student that they plant to help re-establish this endangered species. Also included in the kit is a teacher's reference guide, three compact discs, 25 planting pots and a colored children's storybook of Marvin, that the students translated in several languages, including English, French, Ukrainian and Mandarin. The team also created a Web site, which people could submit their address to, to be mailed tree seeds native to their area. The kit has caught the eye of local school boards who are considering purchasing the books for Grade 3 teachers, notes Loree. "The Shad experience in itself is fantastic," he says. "With or without the reward, students were able to go home and say they had a great experience and a lot of fun. The skills they learn here are really invaluable." Photo caption: One of the pages from Marvin's Tree, the colored children's storybook that has been translated by students into several languages, such as French, Mandarin and Ukrainian.

November 7, 2002

Posted on Nov. 7: McMaster celebrates Downtown Centre official opening

On Thursday, Nov. 14, McMaster President Peter George will welcome The honourable James Bartleman, lieutenant-governor of Ontario, and mayor Bob Wade from the City of Hamilton to participate in the official opening of the McMaster University Downtown Centre. All staff, students, and faculty are invited to attend the opening ceremonies at 11 a.m. at the main entrance to the building at 50 Main Street East, Hamilton. The program will include a ceremonial ribbon cutting and plaque unveiling to officially open the Downtown Centre and acknowledge McMaster's partnership with the City of Hamilton that resulted in the University's presence in the former Wentworth County Courthouse building. Refreshments will be provided and the building will be open until 2 p.m. for those who would like to see the departments located in the Downtown Centre.

November 6, 2002

Posted on Nov. 6: McMaster celebrates Fall Convocation Nov. 8

Friday, Nov. 8 will be a memorable day for 789 McMaster students. The students will receive their undergraduate and graduate degrees at two Fall Convocation ceremonies held at Hamilton Place (9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.) For a full listing of the degrees to be conferred, click here. Four outstanding leaders in public service, medical science and urban design will be recognized for their achievements with honorary degrees at Fall Convocation. Legendary hockey dad Walter Gretzky and media executive Israel Asper will receive honorary degrees at morning Convocation (9:30 a.m.). Esteemed Japanese physician Shigeaki Hinohara and award-winning architect Raymond Moriyama will receive their degrees at the afternoon Convocation (2:30 p.m.). Both ceremonies will be held at the Great Hall at Hamilton Place.

November 6, 2002

Posted on Nov. 6: Distinguished McMaster alumni honoured at Fall Convocation

These awards are made to McMaster alumni who have distinguished themselves through outstanding scholarship, research, creative contributions to the arts or sciences, or service to society. Martin Green Martin Green is Scientia Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, and research director of Pacific Solar Pty. Ltd, a firm established to commercialize the university's polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cell technology. An expert in the area of photovoltaics and the utilization of solar energy, Green received his doctorate in electrical engineering from McMaster University in 1974. His bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering were obtained from the University of Queensland in 1970 and 1971. The process whereby sunlight is converted to electricity using solar cells is called photovoltaics. His fundamental work in this field identified the factors that limit silicon solar cell performance. Since then, the work of his research group has improved the performance of silicon solar cells by over 50 per cent. Green has invented or co-invented (with former student Stuart Wenham), seven distinct cell technologies over the past 15 years and these solar cells have held the world efficiency record for converting sunlight into electricity for more than a decade. He is the author of a popular textbook on solar cells and founding director of the Photovoltaics Special Research Centre. Green's work has been recognized internationally with the 1990 William R. Cherry Award, the 1995 J.J. Ebers Award and the 1999 Australia Prize. The World Renewable Energy Network Congress awarded him the 2000 Millennium Award for outstanding scientist in his field. Last year Green received the Humboldt Foundation Research Award for his lifetime achievements in science. Kevin Lynch During his more than 20-year career with Canada's public service, Kevin Lynch has worked in a number of key economic departments and agencies, most notably and recently as deputy minister of the Department of Finance. Born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Lynch received his BA in economics from Mount Allison University, his master's degree from the University of Manchester and his PhD in economics from McMaster University. He began his career in 1976 with the Bank of Canada and joined the finance department within five years, becoming the youngest director in the history of the department. Before being named federal deputy minister of finance in 2000, Lynch held such senior positions as assistant deputy minister, international trade and finance; assistant deputy minister, fiscal policy; and senior assistant deputy minister of finance. He is former deputy minister of industry (1995-2000) and in this capacity also served as director of the Business Development Bank of Canada. He is a former secretary to the Prime Minister's Advisory Council on Science and Technology. Earlier this year, Maclean's magazine named Lynch among its 50 "most influential Canadians." He is credited with shifting the department's focus from fundamentals to new departures. Lynch leads the civil service in tackling such major economic issues as an aging population and coping with growing income inequality. He has shown both an ability to make bold decisions and a balanced approach.

November 6, 2002

Posted on Nov. 6: McMaster launches United Way campaign

The McMaster University Student Centre was a popular place today (Wednesday, Nov. 6) with the launch of McMaster's United Way campaign and the distribution of Noam Chomsky tickets. McMaster's United Way campaign, which runs until Nov. 29, aims to raise $165,000 for charities such as the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Multicultural Council, Sexual Assault Centre and YMCA. Pictured at the launch, from left, are McMaster's United Way campaign co-chairs Dorothy Pawluch, professor of sociology and Mary Lynn Taylor, administrative secretary in Human Resources, Health Sciences; Winston Tinglin, CEO of United Way of Burlington, Hamilton-Wentworth; Janyce Robinson, acting campaign director of United Way of Burlington, Hamilton-Wentworth; Peter George, McMaster President; Tina Horton, McMaster United Way Organizing Committee and program co-ordinator in the Registrar's Office; and Yosh Kitamura, lead hand in the sciences and engineering machine shop. Faculty, staff and students also were lined up for tickets at the Compass Information Centre to see Noam Chomsky, who will speak at McMaster on Nov. 12, as a Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor. This lecture is sponsored by the Centre for Peace Studies, the Department of Labour Studies and the Russell Centre, McMaster University. The lecture will be at 8:30 p.m. in the Burridge Gymnasium, Ivor Wynne Centre, McMaster University. Click here for a profile on the lecture.

November 5, 2002

Posted on Nov. 5: Theatre & Film Studies presents John Mighton’s Possible Worlds

McMaster's new Theatre & Film Studies program presents John Mighton's Possible Worlds, a science fiction/murder mystery about a killer who steals his victims' brains. The McMaster alumnus' play involves 45 McMaster students, including 30 students who are earning academic credit for their work on the show. The team is guided by professionals including director Paul Rivers, lighting and set designer Taras Cymbalisty, costume designer Jane Mallory and sound designer Ranil Sonnadara. Click here for a recent story about the production in The Hamilton Spectator. Mighton completed a Master's degree in Philosophy at McMaster University and is currently completing a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Toronto. He also wrote the screenplay for a recent film adaptation of Possible Worlds and won Governor General's Literary Award for Drama in 1992, for the Playwrights Canada Press publication of Possible Worlds. Mighton consulted on the mathematical models for Good Will Hunting, in which he acted a small role as a graduate student in mathematics. The play will take place in Robinson Memorial Theatre, Chester New Hall, Room 103. Performances will be held Nov. 15, 16, 20, 21, 22 and 23 at 8 p.m., with a special 7 p.m. performance and panel discussion on Nov. 19. The special performance will be followed by a round table panel discussion featuring distinguished academics from across campus. The panel will address various philosophical and ethical issues raised by the play, including the role that theatre can play in providing a forum for such topics. The audience will be invited to ask questions and join in the discussion. Tickets for the show are $15 for adults and $10 for students/seniors and can be purchased by calling the Box Office at 905-525-9140 ext. 27056. Click here for a recent story in The Hamilton Spectator.

November 5, 2002

Posted on Nov. 5: Board of Governors meeting highlights

Highlights from the Oct. 31 Board of Governors meeting Health Sciences budget increases $10.5M Design changes to McMaster's Health Sciences expansion will require an additional $10.5 million, bringing the project to $71 million. Approved by McMaster's Board of Governors, the changes will accommodate additional classroom seating on the first and third level of the building to meet projected increased student numbers. As a result, level one will now accommodate 1,700 seats, instead of 800 planned in the initial project design. There is also an expansion to the classrooms on level three for the health sciences educational programs. Funding sources will include $4 million in SuperBuild funds, $16.6 million in research funding, $8.7 million from the Hamilton Health Sciences Hospital contribution and $41.7 from the University. The five-storey building will be constructed on the north of the existing east wing of the McMaster University Medical Centre and east of the Life Sciences Building. The building will house lecture theatres, hospital space, educational program space and research space and laboratories. Parking structure on hold McMaster's Board of Governors has put the brakes on plans for a parking garage. But the project will be put back into drive once the Planning and Building Committee examines other options for the structure planned for Zone 3 by Cootes Paradise. In May, the committee considered changes to the proposed five-level parking structure in order to make it less obtrusive. As a result, the cost for the structure has risen to $11.5 million from $9 million. These changes included a realignment of the structure into a lazy l' shape to follow the curve of Cootes Drive. The addition of a curtain wall consisting of glazing to improve the exterior appearance and improvements to the site landscaping to minimize the exposure along Cootes Drive were also approved. Commonwealth Games site visit McMaster is a key partner in a bid by Hamilton to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games. If successful, the games, scheduled for July 15 to 25, 2010, would bring new facilities to the University, including a new aquatic centre, stadium and multi-sportsplex. McMaster would also host the Athletes Village. The Commonwealth Games Federation will make a site visit to McMaster on Dec. 14, and will announce its decision on Dec. 16. If Hamilton is chosen as the Canadian site, it will go up against international bidders in New Delhi and Singapore, says President George. The next Games will be held in Melbourne, Australia in 2006. The Commonwealth Games Foundation's selection of the host country for the Games will be announced Nov. 3, 2003.

November 5, 2002

Posted on Nov. 5: United Way symbol says it all

A caring hand outstretched. A rainbow representing hope for a brighter tomorrow. And at the heart of it, a universal symbol of humankind. "For me, the United Way symbol says it all," says Dorothy Pawluch, professor of sociology and McMaster's United Way campaign co-chair. "It's all about being there for each other, caring for each other. We all benefit from living in a world where that happens." McMaster's 2002 United Way campaign kicks off Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 12 to 1 p.m. in the atrium of the MUSC. McMaster President Peter George, United Way representatives, this year's co-chairs and others involved in the campaign will attend. "It is our way of thanking the McMaster community for their many years of support for the United Way and also a celebration of the United Way's 75th anniversary," says Pawluch. The campaign will run November 4 to 29 and the goal of the campaign is $165,000.

November 5, 2002

Posted on Nov. 5: Marauders No. 1 football team in Canada

A perfect 10 makes McMaster No. 1. The Marauders top the national poll for the first time following the football team's victory last weekend to climb to 10-0 this season. "It's nice to know some of the hard work and things we have accomplished have been recognized," said Mac head coach Greg Marshall. "I know the players will get a kick out of it. But we have to put it in perspective. This weekend we have to put it on the line." There's little time for celebration. McMaster hosts second ranked Queen's for the Yates Cup at Les Prince Field on Saturday. For the complete story in today's Hamilton Spectator click here

November 4, 2002

Posted on Nov. 4: McMaster honours long-time employees

McMaster will honour 220 long-term employees at its annual Service Regognition Awards luncheon today (Monday, Nov. 4). Employees who have dedicated 15, 20, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to the University will be honoured at a luncheon in the CIBC Banquet Hall in the McMaster University Student Centre. Click here for a complete list of the award honorees.

November 4, 2002

Posted on Nov. 4: Chomsky lecture to probe intelligent life on earth

Noam Chomsky is coming to Hamilton in November. Those words tend to have one of two effects on people; either they are scrambling to find tickets, or they are saying "Noam who?" How is it that someone can be simultaneously so popular and so unknown? Chomsky has lectured all over the world, and has written more than 30 books on U.S. foreign policy, democracy, globalization and the thought control role of mass media. He first became known as a political dissident in the movement against the Vietnam War in the 60s. He has not traditionally received much coverage from mass media, which is a major reason why he is unknown to many. But more than ever since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, many people in North America are looking for answers to questions that Chomsky had been talking about for years. Chomsky's book 9-11 is a collection of interviews, which took place after Sept. 11. In the book, the professor from MIT states that "I have had considerably more access even to mainstream media in the U.S. than ever before, and others report the same experience." Chomsky will speak at McMaster on Nov. 12, as a Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor on the topic: "Is there Intelligent Life on Earth? The Role of the Intellectual Culture and Institutions". This lecture is sponsored by the Centre for Peace Studies, the Department of Labour Studies and the Russell Centre, McMaster University. The lecture will be at 8:30 p.m. in the Burridge Gymnasium, Ivor Wynne Centre, McMaster University. Tickets will be distributed by the Compass Information Centre in the McMaster University Student Centre on Wednesday, Nov. 6, in three blocks. Block 1 (350 tickets) available from 9:30 a.m.; Block 2 (350 tickets) available from 12:30 p.m.; and Block 3 (400 tickets) available from 6:30 p.m. There is a limit of two tickets per person, and no holds or reservations. Please do not telephone the Compass Information Centre. For information contact or 905-525-9140 ext 26119.