Operation Christmas helps those ravaged by weather, war


[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/operation_christmas.jpg” caption=”From left, Barbara Hourigan, Sarah Lampson and Stephen Huycke, with shoeboxes of goodies that will be distributed to Samaritan’s Purse.”]Research administration staff have been preparing for “holiday giving” since early October.

Led by Barbara Hourigan, financial & administrative co-ordinator, and Sarah Lampson, research contracts officer, Health Sciences, staff in the Office of Research Contracts & Intellectual Property, Research Services and the Office of the Vice President, Research and International Affairs have prepared more than 24 shoeboxes of goodies for distribution by Samaritan's Purse to children in more than 12 different countries abroad, that have been troubled by the ravages of war or weather.

Staff held several baking and jam sales to raise money for the shipping costs of the gifts (they need about $5 per box). They have wrapped shoeboxes to fill, bought toys, school supplies, hard candies and toiletries. They also received donations of numerous toothbrushes, dental floss and tubes of toothpaste from two Dundas dentists. As well, a Dundas pharmacist from Shoppers Drug Mart also donated candy and bars of soap. Other McMaster offices gave pens, pencils, rulers and small pads of paper to the Operation Christmas cause. Shopping for items became a family affair for employees who had children or grandchildren to help select the most appropriate gifts and decorate the boxes with Christmas wrap, beautiful drawings and messages.

If you would like to fill a shoebox, visit the Samaritan's Purse Web site to investigate the box content parameters and target age groups that donations are collected for. Then prepare a box as directed and take it to any of the various drop off centres in the Hamilton, Burlington area, along with a $5 donation per box to cover the freight costs.

The Canadian Bible Society on Main Street West, across from Westdale Highschool, will receive Operation Christmas boxes on the morning of Friday, Nov. 12. All are welcome to join this McMaster effort by bringing their boxes to Gilmour Hall 306G by 9 a.m. that day, or alternately take their own boxes to CBS anytime during their drop off week which runs Nov. 8 to 13.

As well, if anyone would like to make a cash/cheque donation to “Samaritan's Purse” to help offset the freight of $5 per box, rather than shopping, wrapping and packing, you can send a cheque to “Operation Christmas” c/o B.Hourigan, GH306G for inclusion with the collected funds which will go on Friday morning to the collection centre.