Off-campus students invited for a PJ sleepover


On Tuesday and Friday, roughly 150 off-campus students per night will bring their sleeping bags to the David Braley Athletic Centre for an evening of fun and games.

Are you too exited to go home during Welcome Week?

Incoming students who don’t live in residence are invited to spend the night at McMaster on Tuesday, Sept. 3 and Friday, Sept. 6. Organized by the Society of Off-Campus Students (SOCS), both evenings will feature a variety of games and social activities in the David Braley Athletic Centre.

“The idea is to have the students meet each other, relax and get more comfortable on campus,” said Jennifer Kleven, manager, Off-Campus Resource Centre. “There are a number of high-energy events during Welcome Week, and this is more of a quiet alternative.”

Now in its second year, Kleven expects roughly 150 attendees per night at the “SOCS in Pyjamas” events. Students will be able to play board games, socialize and participate in the ever-popular popular “slug races” while wearing their sleeping bags. Snacks will be provided by the MSU, and participants will head to Union Market the following morning for a complimentary coffee and breakfast treat.

Each SOCS in pyjamas sleepover will begin at 6:30 p.m.

To register online, please submit your name, student number and any dietary restrictions or special accommodations required.

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