Non-teaching staff election to the Board of Governors

The election for a representative of the non-teaching staff on the Board of Governors will begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 and continue until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 20.
The election will take place online. Voters will need both a McMaster employee number and a PIN (issued by human resources:, providing your employee number; full
name; month, day and year of birth).
The candidates in the election are:
* Mary Louise Beecroft
* Debbie Nifakis
Election information, profiles of the candidates and (on Tuesday
morning) the ballot can be found at the Board of Governors Web site(see below).
Eligible voters who do not have access to the Web may use a facility at the following locations during normal working hours, unless otherwise stated:
Room B106, Gilmour Hall (staff lounge)
Room B109, Kenneth Taylor Hall (staff lounge)
Room B110, Kenneth Taylor Hall (student computer lab): this facility will be available between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on election days.
Voters who require assistance in gaining access to the Web site and
casting votes should go to:
Board of Governors Office, Room 115, University Hall