New seed grant supports McMaster research with societal impact

Applications are now open for McMaster research groups to have the chance of being awarded the Societal Impact Seed Grant
Now accepting applications, the inaugural Societal Impact Seed Grant supports McMaster researchers and their partners in the generation and mobilization of co-created knowledge that helps solve a societal challenge.
The grant was created to advance responsible and ethical positive change in society through meaningful campus-society collaborations, says Sukhvinder Obhi, associate vice-president, Research (Society & Impact).
“We’re excited to introduce the Societal Impact Seed Grant in support of McMaster’s research community,” he says.
“Open to all disciplines, the grant is designed to fund research that tackles pressing societal challenges and aims to improve the health and well-being of communities in Canada and beyond, especially those that are historically underserved.”
The grant consists of two awards of $20,000 each. Research teams must consist of McMaster faculty researchers, their trainees, and a societal partner or partners.
Proposed projects must be new and involve the co-creation of knowledge that will help solve a challenge or place a societal partner on a clear path towards solving a challenge.
The grant is one of several initiatives currently in development that are aimed at maximizing the impact and influence of McMaster research in local and global communities, Obhi says.
“McMaster is recognized globally as a powerhouse for research excellence, collaboration and impact,” he says.
“New initiatives like this seed grant will ensure researchers have the support and resources they need to continue advancing research that benefits society.”
Interested in applying for the grant? Learn more and apply online by March 10, 2024.