New endowed chair focuses on child blood disorders


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Anthony Chan, a professor of pediatrics of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, is the first chair in pediatric blood disorders. File photo.”]Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation and the McMaster Children's Hospital are teaming
up to establish a new research chair in pediatric blood disorders at McMaster University,
with the assistance of Bayer Inc.

The inaugural chair holder will be Dr. Anthony Chan, a professor of pediatrics of the
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster and division chief of the pediatric
hematology/oncology and director (pediatrics) of the Hemophilia Treatment Centre at
McMaster Children's Hospital.

Chan has a clinical focus on children with bleeding and clotting disorders, including
stroke, and a leading research program of study including novel anticoagulants. He will
hold the McMaster Children's Hospital/Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation Chair in
Pediatric Thrombosis and Hemostasis.

“As a hematologist, I am particularly pleased to have this new research chair in child
blood disorders,” said John Kelton, dean and vice-president of the Faculty of Health
Sciences at McMaster. “Dr. Chan is one of Canada's top pediatric clinician scientists who
link the needs of their patients to their discoveries in the laboratory.”

“Dr. Chan is a well-respected, internationally recognized investigator who has been at
the forefront of amazing accomplishments in the area of thrombosis and hemostasis.
We are so fortunate to have him at McMaster Children's Hospital and for him to be the
inaugural holder of this chair,” said Dr. Peter Fitzgerald, president of McMaster
Children's Hospital.

“We are delighted to partner on a common goal in the hemophilia community and an
important initiative that brings focus to blood disorders within children,” said Dr.
Shurjeel Choudhri, senior vice-president and head of Medical and Scientific Affairs,
Bayer Inc.

“This is an honour,” said Chan. This endowed chair will allow us to continue to improve
the lives of children with bleeding and clotting problems through our research.”

Chan joined McMaster and Hamilton Health Sciences in 1997 after training at the
universities of Hong Kong and Saskatchewan. His research has attracted both a Heart
and Stroke Foundation of Canada Career Investigator award, as well as a Canadian
Pediatric Society Research Award. He is a widely-sought consultant, contributing his
expertise in thrombosis to physicians worldwide by providing a free consultation
telephone service through an 800-number service.