National conference to explore microscopy techniques


More than 230 delegates from across Canada are expected to visit McMaster this week for the 23rd annual meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada.

Participates will discover the latest developments in microscopy methods, including x-ray, electron microscopy, acoustic, light and scanning probe microscopy methods.

Techniques will be used to visualize objects at a scale of a fraction of a millimeter down to the size of atoms. As a result, participants will learn about the structure of plant seeds, to the structure of food and drug delivery materials, to metallic alloys and the most advanced semiconductor devices. There will also be an exhibition of latest microscopy instruments at more than 20 exhibitor's booths.

The conference takes place May 18-20 in the McMaster University Student Centre.

It is being held in conjunction with the fourth annual Brockhouse Institute Workshop on Advanced Materials May 16-18.

At this conference, representatives from Spallation Neutron Source Oak Ridges; TRIUMF Centre for Molecular & Materials Science, the Canadian Light Source and the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, Chalk River will present talks on the leading edge science being performed at their facilities. Afternoon workshops will provide opportunities to learn how to access the facilities and analyse the data that is obtained.