Museum of Art presents Canadian artist Yechel Gagnon

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Palimpsest”]A two-month exhibit by Canadian artist Yechel Gagnon opens Sunday at the McMaster Museum of Art.
The exhibit, entitled “Palimpsest”, is an installation of routered wood panels, columns and frottage.
“Gagnon conveys the concept of layering, to produce creations laden with suggestions of myths, tragedies, and vistas of other worlds,” says Alexandria Pierce, acting director and curator at the Museum.
Curated by Pierce, the exhibit will be on display in the museum from Aug. 29-Nov. 28.
Plywood routered, ripped and chiseled — has been Gagnon's medium of choice for many years and is the core of Palimpsest. The installation comprises four distinct new works:
- Palimpsest a relief sculpture measuring 10 x 35 feet of gouged and chiseled plywood
- Plies three free-standing plywood columns, each 10 x 2 x 2 feet evocative of Dolmens and temple architecture
- Nuances a 10 x 16-foot mural, reminiscent of Chinese ink brush painting, created by a frottage technique where rubbings of the plywood relief sculpture and rendered in charcoal and graphite on paper and mylar
- Mindscapes three vertical paper relief sculptures created using the plywood relief sculpture
Since 1996, Gagnon has exhibited in Toronto and Montreal. She studied art at Concordia University, Ontario College of Art and Design and York University and is currently based in Montreal.
A fully illustrated catalogue for this exhibit will be launched in November, including essays by Alexandria Piece and Bernard Chasse and an interview by Stephane Aquin. A There will be a book launch Nov. 11 from 7-9 p.m. and an artist talk Nov. 11 at 7 p.m.