#Mission2Mac Twitter campaign targets incoming students


Let's get digital. Incoming students can use the hashtag #Mission2Mac on Twitter, and have their campus question answered by one of 50 volunteer students and young alumni.

Will you be attending McMaster this fall? Do you have a lingering question about your residence? Your meal plan? Campus health resources?

Don’t just ask it — tweet it.

For the remainder of the summer, a team of nearly 50 volunteers will be fielding questions from incoming students on Twitter. Comprised of both current students and young alumni, the volunteer team is already churning out thoughtful, insightful and light-hearted nuggets of information using 140 characters or less.

New to Twitter? The process is simple. Incoming Marauders can simply add the hashtag #Mission2Mac at the end of any question, and benefit from true insider knowledge. The goal of the program, explains Karen McQuigge, director of the University’s Alumni Advancement office, is to preserve the “peer to peer” aspect of orientation, but do so in a familiar, online setting.

“Incoming students are much more tech savvy these days,” says McQuigge, “The #Mission2Mac program on Twitter is designed to connect new Marauders with older peers, and create an online community among first-year students long before they even set foot on campus.”

In addition to the Twitter campaign, representatives from the Alumni Association will also be hosting a number of summer socials in Hamilton, Burlington, Mississauga and Toronto. Incoming students will have a chance to meet and interact with future classmates, chat with upper-year students and get the inside scoop on all aspects of campus life — including where to study, where to get the best food and where to simply hang out with friends. Last year, more than 1,000 incoming students and families took part in various community events. 

“The entire orientation process is about making students feel as comfortable as possible,” adds McQuigge. “This campaign falls in line with McMaster’s new SOAR orientation program, and we’re excited to connect with students on a number of different platforms.”

Click here for more information on the 2013 #Mission2Mac program, and get tweeting!