Message from President on tsunami tragedy

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Shaynee Mehta, left, and Vithika Sivabalasundaram, second-year life sciences students, collect donations for the tsunami relief effort at a booth set up near Williams in the McMaster University Student Centre. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay “]The following is a letter from University President Peter George that is being sent to the McMaster community today:
I have never doubted that McMaster is a caring community. The tsunamis that devastated South East Asia have generated an outpouring of concern and support from around the world and the students, faculty and staff at our University are no exception.
Some members of our community have been directly touched by the disaster. They have lost family and loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
I know that many people have already contributed to the agencies that are collecting donations for tsunami relief. A number of McMaster student clubs, campus organizations and the McMaster Students Union have now joined together to raise funds. I encourage everyone to support the student initiatives including classroom fundraising, the fundraising table in the University Student Centre near Williams, the round-up campaign at the Titles Bookstore and special activities at Quarters Pub next Wednesday. The student groups have agreed that all of the money raised will go to the Canadian Red Cross. Donations received before Jan. 11 will be matched by the federal government.
Natural disasters remind us of our vulnerability, and compel us to reach out to the victims. They are frightening reminders of the importance of caring for those in need in our own community and in communities around the world.
Thank you to our students for their leadership and to you for your support.
Peter George