McMaster Times focuses on FHS programs


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”The revamped McMaster Times received the bronze award in the Best Magazine Category of the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education Prix d’Excellence.”]The spring issue of the McMaster Times highlights programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences, under the theme, McMaster's Medical Model.

The decision to focus on these programs was sparked by evidence-based medicine, which McMaster pioneered, being selected by the British Medical Journal as one of the top 15 medical advances in the past 140 years.

The magazine also introduces the executive cabinet of The Campaign for McMaster University and features a photo spread on the McMaster coffee-table book, along with popular sections such as University News and Alumni Album.

Lisa Schwartz, who holds the Arnold L. Johnston Chair in Health Care & Ethics, writes in The Last Word on the ethical dilemmas faced by parents who must make health-care decisions on behalf of their children. She is an associate professor in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics.

Additional copies of the magazine are available in the Office of Public Relations, Chester New Hall, Room 111, or by calling Jean Burrows at ext. 23662.