McMaster ranked among Canada’s best for research


McMaster University has maintained its spot in the annual “Top 50 Research
Universities”, holding its rank of sixth overall in Canada and second overall in research

The survey by Research Infosource ranks Canada's universities based on sponsored
research income from both government and non-government sources. McMaster
attracted more than $395-million in 2010, an increase of almost $20-million, based on
financial data obtained from Statistics Canada.

Mo Elbestawi, vice-president research & international affairs, noted that when compared
to its peers in the Medical/Doctoral category (full-service universities with a medical
school) McMaster placed fifth in Canada, a position that the University has held for the
past three years.

“These rankings confirm that our researchers are among the country's best. That our
University continues to be ranked so highly for each measure – whether it's the research
income each of our faculty attracts, or the impact of their publications – McMaster
continues to lead the way as a medium-sized university that packs a powerful research
punch,” said Elbestawi.

The Research Universities of the Year rankings try to obtain a balanced picture of how
universities perform by taking into account both financial input and research output and
impact measures. The financial input measures are: total sponsored research income
and research intensity. The research output and impact measures are: total number of
publications, publication intensity and publication impact.