Message from McMaster’s Provost: We are committed to our international students

McMaster will continue to offer a world-class education for students from around the globe as we navigate changes to policies and regulations, Provost Susan Tighe writes.
Dear McMaster faculty and staff,
McMaster University remains steadfast in our commitment to international scholars and to our position as a global leader dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence. I can assure you that this will continue to be a cornerstone of our institutional identity.
Many of you have likely read the news about a temporary reduction in the number of new international student study permits announced by the federal government earlier this week. I understand that there will be concerns raised by this recent news and our university leaders are closely monitoring developments with the best interests of our students and community in mind. Current and graduate students who have applied for international student study permits before January 22, 2024, will not be impacted by this new measure.
While details of the cap are still being determined, it is important to note that McMaster attracts high-quality students and provides them with a valuable educational experience that includes the wrap-around supports students need to succeed. We are also known as a top-tier institution with a rigorous recruitment and highly selective admissions process to set our students up for success. For instance, 86.4 per cent of international permits to study at McMaster were approved last year by the Immigration department, the second highest rate in the province. I’m hopeful that these factors will put McMaster in a strong position as the government determines how the international study permits will be allocated.
Our community should take heart in knowing that McMaster has a long-standing tradition of recruiting global talent who bring diverse perspectives and knowledge that enriches the learning environment at our university. These international students then become leaders in their communities and serve as an important connection between McMaster researchers, faculty, students and institutions worldwide.
While we are facing a period of uncertainty, I want to assure you that McMaster is working closely with our sector associations and the government to learn more about the new international student permit program and to advocate for our students’ interests. Our aim is to ensure that our commitment to a global education remains unwavering, even in the face of evolving policies and regulations.
The dedication of our community to our shared mission is more crucial than ever. Together, we will navigate these changes while upholding our commitment to providing a world-class education for students from around the globe.
I look forward to welcoming the Class of 2028 this fall, and I know that everyone in our campus community will continue to come together to provide an excellent experience for all McMaster students.
Susan Tighe
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)