McMaster prepares for move-in of 3,300 new students

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”McMaster’s Mary E. Keyes residence”]As a new school year draws near, McMaster is busy preparing for the arrival of new and returning students. This weekend, more than 3,300 students will move into McMaster's residences.
“The new school term is less than a week away, and like all departments, Housing & Conference Services is busy preparing for the beginning of another exciting year,” says Cathie Miller, director of Housing and Conference Services. “We are gearing up to welcome over 3,300 students who will be moving into all of our residences over the Labour Day weekend. Extensive planning has been dedicated to co-ordinate the student move-in to be effective for the students and their families.”
Students will begin moving in on Saturday, Sept. 4. First-year students will move into the north quad residences, including Brandon, Edwards, Whidden and west quad residences of Bates and Matthews. On Sunday, first-year students will move into the north quad residences of Hedden, McKay and Woodstock and the west quad residences, Mary E. Keyes, Moulton and Wallingford. On Monday, all upper-year students will move into all halls and north and west quad residences.
In order to move traffic from neighbourhood streets onto and through campus as quickly and efficiently as possible on Saturday, Sept. 4 and Sunday, Sept. 5, the following plans have been put in place.
All residents moving into the north quad will be directed north on Forsyth Avenue and will enter campus just beyond the Ivor Wynne Centre. Vehicles then proceed to Zone 1 and south to the unloading areas for each residence. After unloading, all cars are directed to 'longer term' parking opposite the Michael G. DeGroote building and in the centre of campus. All traffic exits campus via Sterling Street. All routes will be well signed and staff will be assigned to key locations to facilitate efficient traffic flow.
Move-in cars will not be directed on campus through the Sterling Street entrance. Only employees, emergency vehicles, delivery trucks and HSR buses should be using the Sterling Street gate.
On the west side of campus, all cars will enter off Cootes Drive and will be directed to holding areas for their specific residence and then proceed to unload in front of Bates and Matthews on Sunday, Sept. 4, and Mary E. Keyes, Moulton and Matthews on Sunday, Sept. 5. All cars are then directed to 'longer term' parking in Zones 6, 7 and Zone 3 Annex.
University employees who must attend campus using the Sterling Street entrance are encouraged to park beside/behind Wentworth House in order to avoid the large volume of traffic moving north to south through campus and the parking congestion in the centre of campus.
All routes will be well signed and staff will be assigned to key locations to facilitate efficient traffic flow. Employees are asked to not park in the following areas:
- Zone 1 between Hedden Hall and the track, and along the roadway between the football field and the 10-acre field. All 600-plus parking spaces plus the roadways will used for move-in traffic.
- Zone 2 along Stearn Drive opposite the main entrance to the Commons Building/McKay Hall, the lot south of the tennis courts as well as the lot opposite the main entrances to MUSC and the Michael G. DeGroote Building.
- Zone 3 Annex Parking south of Mary E. Keyes Residence.
Please note that the parking places along Stearn Drive between the Commons Building and the Temporary Classroom Buildings must be vacated by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 3 so that the area may be roped off for the weekend.
“Residence move-in is always a big operation,” Miller says. “We are committed to minimizing the impact of this operation on the University's closest neighbours and to making the experience a positive one for our students and their families. Your patience and co-operation are greatly appreciated.”
All inquiries may be directed to Housing & Conference Services at ext. 24223.