McMaster plans research park on former Camco site

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”United in today’s announcement, from left, are Brian McHattie, Ward 1 councillor for the City of Hamilton (on behalf of mayor Larry Di Ianni); Mamdouh Shoukri, McMaster’s vice-president research; Judy Marsales, MPP for Hamilton West; Tony Valeri, Liberal MP for Stoney Creek; and McMaster President Peter George. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay”]McMaster University is finalizing an agreement to purchase land formerly owned by appliance manufacturer Camco in order to build a research park.
“We are very excited about this,” says Peter George, President of McMaster University. “McMaster is committed to innovation and discovery, the foundation of our strategic plan. This expansion lays the groundwork to take our research results and turn them into products, industries and businesses that benefit our community and our world.”
Located in the city's west end, at the northeast and northwest corners of Longwood Road and Aberdeen Avenue, the research park is being created in partnership with the City of Hamilton, which has pledged $5-million to develop an incubator facility.
In making today's announcement, Mamdouh Shoukri, McMaster's vice-president, research, said the park complements the University's wide-ranging research by creating the opportunity to collaborate with government and industry. “The possibilities of expanding the intellectual and financial capital for Hamilton are endless.”
“This is great news for the city with Canada's leading research university playing a vital role in economic development,” says Hamilton mayor Larry Di Ianni. “It shows how all levels of government, working in partnership with an educational institution, can make a difference.”
The site, says Shoukri, has a certain synchronicity with its planned renaissance: A bright young inventor, George Westinghouse, developed the use of the AC current, and brought his invention to Hamilton where, in 1912, he built a foundry and lamp-manufacturing plant on the very site where the McMaster research park will be located. Westinghouse's discovery turned electrical manufacturing into Hamilton's second largest industry (next to steel). This same spirit of innovation and discovery, says Shoukri, will define the research park.
The research park's proximity to Highway 403 will permit the creation of an attractive gateway into West Hamilton, of which neighbours and the city will be proud, says Shoukri.
McMaster University, named Canada's Research University of the Year by Research InfoSource, has world-renowned faculty and state-of-the-art research facilities. McMaster's culture of innovation fosters a commitment to discovery and learning in teaching, research and scholarship. Based in Hamilton, the University has a student population of more than 20,000 and more than 112,000 alumni in 128 countries.