McMaster offers new students a sneak-peek at University life


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Welcome Day”]Making the leap from high school to university can be challenging. To help new students make this transition, McMaster University has invited all first-year students and their families to Welcome Day, Friday, Aug. 6, 2004 on the McMaster campus.

Through activities, information, and events, approximately 2,000 students will be welcomed to the McMaster community and begin orienting themselves to what will soon be their new “home.”

The day-long program includes information sessions on such topics as financial matters, academic success, adapting to university, safety, and living off-campus. New students will also be introduced to the McMaster campus and the Hamilton community through campus walkabouts, building tours, and totally transit tours, which take visitors 'downtown and beyond' on a specially chartered HSR bus.

Visitors will park in Zones 6 and 7 and will take a shuttle bus to the centre of campus, where most activities will take place. A large tent will be set up in the courtyard, where visitors can purchase Welcome Week MacPasses and pick up a barbeque lunch for $3.25.

Visitors and McMaster staff also will be given free rides on Aug. 6. McMaster's Alternative Commuting & Transportation Office, in partnership with the Hamilton Street Railway, Burlington Transit and GO Transit, is offering Welcome Day visitors and staff and faculty coming to campus on Friday, Aug. 6 to try some of the transit that services the University.

For more information on transit services during Welcome Day, visit the ACT Web site. For a full schedule of Welcome Day events, click here.

Photo caption: Students and their families pick up information about the University in the McMaster University Student Centre marketplace during Welcome Day 2003.