Forward with Integrity initiative developed by the School of the Arts and the Student Success Centre." /> Forward with Integrity initiative developed by the School of the Arts and the Student Success Centre." />

McMaster leaders share their success stories

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Sean Van Koughnett, the University's associate vice-president, Students and Learning and dean of Students, is one of the McMaster leaders featured in the videos below.

How do you define success?  That was the question put to University leaders at the launch of a new Forward with Integrity initiative developed by the School of the Arts and the Student Success Centre.

The IRIS Student Success Performance Cycle, part of a new year-long course offered by the department of Theatre and Film Studies, is exploring the theme of student success, what it means to McMaster students and what conditions need to exist for undergraduate students to realize success.

At the project launch, eight McMaster leaders were asked to bring an object that represents success to them and to share their stories with an audience of faculty, staff and students from across the University.

Read the full story and watch video of each McMaster leader here.

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