McMaster launching a new equity, diversity and inclusion strategy

Since coming to McMaster in April of 2018 as the university’s inaugural associate vice-president equity and inclusion, Arig al Shaibah has undertaken community consultation and best practice review processes, which have led to the development of a Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy.
“Equity, diversity, and inclusion are core to our academic mission and vital for innovation and excellence,” says David Farrar, acting president. “The new strategy will help us to better integrate these essential principles across all McMaster’s strategic plans and priorities.”
The strategy is guided by a Framework, which includes four essential pillars: (1) Institutional Commitment and Capacity; (2) Academic Content and Context; (3) Community and Compositional Diversity; and (4) Interactional Capabilities and Climate.
Several strategic actions have been identified and compiled into an Action Plan, which provides a roadmap to mobilize McMaster’s equity, diversity, and inclusion commitments over the next three years.
“The Framework, Strategy, and Action Plan are based on findings from consultation, from existing research, and from leading practices in the sector,” says al Shaibah. “This work will also support McMaster’s pledge to the Government of Canada Dimensions EDI Charter, as well as progress to Tri-agency Council EDI Requirements.”
al Shaibah points out, “The strategic EDI Framework and Action Plan is expected to support the complementary but distinct work that McMaster is undertaking to advance Indigenous priorities.”
McMaster will report on short, mid and long-term progress on the EDI Strategy.
Working in collaboration with a variety of campus partners, some examples of short-term strategic actions underway include:
- the development of a companion Accessibility Strategy;
- the creation of an inclusive teaching and learning handbook;
- the revision of the faculty recruitment and selection policy and procedures;
- the launch of an employment equity facilitator program; and
- the expansion of the student diversity census.
For more information, contact the Equity and Inclusion Office ( or visit the Office website.