McMaster inducts 91 employees into Quarter Century Club

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Pictured with Peter George are some of the 91 employees inducted into the Quarter Century Club last night.”]In 1979, on the cusp of a new era, 91 employees began a McMaster journey.
Over the last 25 years they saw McMaster grow, not only in size, but in accolades and trademarks. Last night, inducted into McMaster's Quarter Century Club for 25 years of cumulative or consecutive service, they reflected on their journey.
“In every decade McMaster has grown and prospered,” said McMaster President Peter George, who hosted the reception. “You saw it happen. You helped make it happen. Without the faculty and staff who have worked hard and dedicated tremendous time and energy to McMaster, none of our success would be possible. You have overcome the challenges that you encountered along the way and have made a substantial contribution to this great institution. You have helped McMaster become a better place in so many ways, and I am very grateful indeed.”
In comparison, last year, 46 members celebrated the 25-year milestone.
“I consider our substantial increase in numbers a tremendous success for each of you as well as for McMaster which is stronger as a result of your extensive skills and experience,” says George. “No matter what your role at the University, you each contribute to the overall success of McMaster. It is important to all of us, and I am grateful. I am very proud of our collective achievements and of each individual who helps make it happen.”
For a complete list of this year's Quarter Century Club inductees visit the 2004 Quarter Century Club Web page on the Working at McMaster Web site.