McMaster gears up for 26th World Congress

McMaster's premier marketing tool celebrates 25 years in action today (Monday). Rated as one of the world's best student run conferences, the McMaster World Congress (MWC) brings cutting-edge business innovation to McMaster's doorstep.
The World Congress is an international business conference geared towards the innovative, proactive, passionate business academic and professional. The McMaster World Congress is a medium where research-intensive academics and practicing business individuals converge from all over the world to discuss, network, and generate new ideas.
Alvin Wong, co-chair of this year's conference says, “Change in inevitable in business. Some businesses adapt to the change and some businesses are the change. We, however, are the drivers of that change.” Today's celebrations echo this statement. The World Congress has carved itself a niche over the past 25 years. It brings academics and industry professionals together with more success than any other business conference. The conference has become one of McMaster's strongest assets, attracting research opportunities, partnerships with industry leaders and showcasing the talent and ability of McMaster's students.
The dean of Faculty of Business, Paul Bates, spoke to professors and students today at a lunch event. This event at the DeGroote School of Business, kick starts another year for the 46 student directors of this conference. This year, the 26th McMaster World Congress explores three key streams: Corporate Governance, eBusiness, Intellectual Capital and Innovation.
The McMaster World Congress is a springboard for converting ideas into research and research into practice. For one weekend in January, accomplished business professionals and renowned academics from around the world will meet in Hamilton to discuss and debate ideas, trends, strategies and innovation. This year's conference will be held January 19-21 at the Hamilton Convention Centre. Admission for students is free. The world will be here, will you?