McMaster campus in Burlington a step closer to reality

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Ken Norrie, provost and vice-president academic of McMaster University, Peter George, President & Vice-Chancellor of McMaster University, Robert MacIsaac, mayor of the City of Burlington, and Kim Phillips, city clerk at the City of Burlington sign a “]The City of Burlington and McMaster University today announced and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) confirming their joint commitment to continue discussions on developing a McMaster University campus in Burlington.
On behalf of the City of Burlington, mayor Rob MacIsaac announced the MOU this morning at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce Mayor's State of the City breakfast. The announcement was followed by the official signing of the MOU by mayor MacIsaac and Peter George, President and Vice-Chancellor of McMaster University.
The Memorandum of Understanding provides a framework for Burlington and McMaster to develop a plan for an innovative post-secondary presence in the City of Burlington. Such a campus, with an intial focus on arts, technology and leadership would help prepare the local regions and the Greater Toronto Area for future population and economic growth. Equally, it would provide an opportunity for McMaster to establish a leadership position in interdisciplinary research and education in new areas of academic study that will be central to the future needs of this growing community.
“Burlington's future prosperity as a community depends on the knowledge of its people,” said MacIsaac. “This partnership with McMaster will be designed to enhance the knowledge base and skills of our citizens, and also to increase our community's capacity for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.”
“McMaster is very pleased to pursue the development of a common vision with the City of Burlington that will provide innovative educational opportunities to meet the growing needs of the greater community,” said President Peter George. “McMaster's vision for a Burlington campus centers on integrated, interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs in arts, technology and leadership as well as the type of world-class research for which McMaster is a recognized leader.”
The Memorandum of Understanding identifies the next steps in the project to include a joint planning process over the next six months where the City and the University will work toward short- and long-term plans to achieve the shared vision. The short-term plan will aim for an initial McMaster presence in Burlington within two years. The long-term vision suggests the further growth of the McMaster Burlington campus to accommodate 5,000 students over a 20-year time frame.
The next phase of the project will require considerable research and consultation to address the many requirements yet to be addressed. Both the City and the University are committed to open consultation with public and private sector partners, community partners and stakeholders.
More information about the Burlington-McMaster initiative and The Mayor's Task Force on Post-Secondary Education may be found on the city's Web site at