Long-time employees celebrate service to McMaster

[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/years_of_service05.jpg” caption=”President Peter George, center, with Gus Gerontzos and Joan Zywina. George was presented with a globe for his 40 years of service to the University, while Gerontzos was honoured for 40 years and Zywina for 45 years of service. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay”]
Yesterday, as McMaster celebrated 75 years in Hamilton, a group of McMaster employees were recognized for achieving another impressive milestone – years of service. In fact, the combined total of McMaster's two longest serving employees – 85 years – has them 10 years ahead of the University.
McMaster President Peter George hosted a luncheon on Wednesday to recognize McMaster employees who have between 15 and 40 years of service to the University. In total, 215 employees were recognized this year for a cumulative 4,425 years of service.
George also was honoured at the event, for having served 40 years at the University. George was presented with a plaque and a globe, signifying how international his reach has been as President of McMaster. Upon accepting the honour, George said, “McMaster means the world to me.”
Of those recognized at the event, 97 employees have worked at McMaster for 15 years, 68 have worked here for 20 years, 31 have worked at McMaster for 30 years, 17 have worked here for 35 years, one has worked here for 40 years, and one has worked here for 45 years.
George acknowledged two of McMaster's longest serving employees, Gus Gerontzos, who has worked with Hospitality Services for 40 years, and Joan Zywina, who has worked in the Faculty of Engineering for 45 years.
“In the rapidly-changing world in which we live and work, it has become rare for an individual to remain with one employer for an extended period of time,” said George. “We recognize two individuals who have been a part of the McMaster family for an extended period of time. I am very proud of their commitment and the tremendous contribution they have respectively made to the University.”
George also congratulated the other long-time employees, who were accompanied by about 40 special guests, including faculty deans, vice-presidents and associate vice-presidents, plus representatives from MUSA, SEIU, and USWA.
“I thank each of you for being at McMaster,” he said. “You help make this University the tremendous place that it is and your unique contributions are highly valued and greatly appreciated. Congratulations on the milestone that you celebrate today.
“While McMaster's physical growth over 75 years has been tremendous, its greatest strength remains in its people. Each person here today has made a unique contribution towards McMaster's growth and success, and for that I am very grateful. With dedicated employees such as yourselves continuing to be a part of the McMaster family, I have every confidence that our future is equally bright.”