Last chance to support the United way

Although Dec. 6 marked the official final day of the McMaster United Way campaign, the drive
is still on to hit the 2011 fundraising target of $265,000.
Thanks to the generosity of many members of the McMaster community, the campaign
is within six per cent of reaching its final target. That leaves $15,000 yet to raise.
Last year, the Burlington and Greater Hamilton community campaign fell short of its
target, and had to make the difficult choice to reduce funding to one of its agencies.
“We don't want that to happen again. We in the McMaster community want to do our
part,” said faculty co-chair Ken Cruikshank. “There is still time. We hope to reach the
2011 campaign goal by early next week.”
The campaign committee is challenging McMaster staff, faculty and students who have
not given to the United Way to make a first-time donation.
“By supporting the United Way, the McMaster community can make a difference in the
lives of more than 220,000 people in Hamilton and Burlington,” said Peter Self, staff
co-chair. “It's so important, especially at this time of year.”
To give to the McMaster United Way campaign, click here.