Job Content Questionnaires and leaves of absence


The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC) has received a number of questions from people who are either on leave, will be going on leave, or working as a replacement for someone on leave. They all want to know if and when a Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) needs to be submitted.

The answer is yes, a JCQ must be submitted for each position. If you are an employee in the MUSA bargaining unit on or after June 16, 2005, you and your supervisor are required to jointly complete and submit a JCQ.

If both the person on leave and the replacement person are doing essentially the same job, only one JCQ is required and both the position holder and the replacement employee and the supervisor can sign it. If the person who is replacing the person on leave is doing significantly different work, this is a different, temporary position, and a separate JCQ is required for each. If you have questions about your personal situation, contact the JJESC at

In accordance with the letter of intent, the results of the new job evaluation will take effect June 16, 2005, but will be implemented retroactively. When a revised implementation date is established, you will be advised.

For more information, or to review past bulletins, visit the following websites.

Should you have any questions about this initiative, e-mail

The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee is comprised of:

Susan Birnie

Carmela Civitareale

John Drake

Jim Garrett

Daina Green

Heather Grigg

Marvin Gunderman

Kathy Ouellette

Rosemary Viola

Nancy Vukelich