Information systems student group welcomes new members

Students at the DeGroote School of Business now have the opportunity to become
members in Canada's only information systems chapter. The Association of Information
Systems (AIS) allows students with an interest in information systems to be part of an
organization specially dedicated to this unique field of study.
AIS is a global organization for professionals specializing in the discipline of
information systems with 4,000 members in 90 countries. AIS has gained widespread
membership and McMaster University is the first and only Canadian university to have a
student chapter, which was started in 2010. The chapter provides students access to
workshops, an interactive Wiki and other specialized resources.
“The AIS serves society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of
excellence in the practice and study of information systems as well as empowers
students with a global outlook on changing business and technology needs,” said
chapter president Varun Sirohi, a current DeGroote MBA student.
Brian Detlor, associate professor of information systems, says that the chapter offers
students interested in information systems “an opportunity to not only network and
meet other students, faculty and professionals in the information systems field, but also
to learn and explore more about information systems as a career.”
“The unique club offers students a variety of opportunities to get engaged in
professional activities, meet industry representatives, gain experience with leading
business software, and learn how information systems are fundamental to
organizational success and a competitive advantage,” said Detlor.
Membership in AIS gives students networking opportunities, free Microsoft products,
journals, job placement services, access to AIS'e-library and research publications for an
annual fee of $10.
The biggest draw for membership is AIS' international information systems competition.
Registration for the 2012 competition begins on Oct. 17. AIS members across the globe
will compete in one of the largest information systems and academic community
competitions beginning with a virtual competition. Finalists will have the chance to
travel to Utah to compete and represent their schools in person. To register for the
2012 competition or receive more information contact
For more information on joining the AIS chapter href=””>click here.