Gilmour Hall fire update

The fire that damaged the third floor of Gilmour Hall yesterday has been ruled accidental. The exact cause is still to be determined.
The Research Services office suffered the most damage. Human Resources Services, the School of Graduate Studies and Career and Employment Services suffered from smoke and water damage.
Clean up crews are working to re-open areas as quickly as possible. In the meantime, temporary arrangements are being made to accommodate staff.
Research Services and Research Contracts will be temporarily housed in the Humanities Computing Centre in Togo Salmon Hall. The best way to contact research staff is through their regular email addresses.
Human Resources Services staff are in a number of locations. They will be checking their email and voice mails on a regular basis.
Career and Employment Services has been closed for the day.
The School of Graduate Studies has also been closed for Monday.
The Daily News will continue to update contact information as it becomes available.