Fundraiser to send McMaster Solar Car team laughing to Texas


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Fireball II”]With exams underway and summer approaching, the McMaster Solar Car Project (MSCP) is busier than ever.

Team members have been labouring on the construction of their newest solar car, Phoenix, working towards this year's ultimate goal – racing Phoenix in July's North American Solar Challenge (NASC). NASC is a 10-day open road solar vehicle race that starts in Austin, Texas, and ends in Calgary, Alberta.

While most team members wouldn't think of the road to the NASC a laughing matter, the team's newest fundraising partner might beg to differ.

To help achieve their goal, members of the MSCP are selling tickets to Comedy at Club 54, which airs on CHTV and The Comedy Network. Tickets are $10 and can be used either Thursday, April 21 or April 28. The team's second solar car, Fireball II will be present at the April 28 show.

Tickets are available at the Compass Information Centre in the McMaster University Student Centre. MSCP team members also will be in the lobbies of the John Hodgins Engineering Building and Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery. To purchase tickets at the door, call 905-525-9140 ext. 27388, or e-mail, and leave your name, number of tickets, and then night you'll be attending the show. Then, mention the solar car when you pay at the door and the proceeds will go to the MSCP. Club 54 is located in Burlington; the shows start at 9 p.m., and are restricted to those over 19 years of age.

The MSCP also was involved in two other events in April, including the Science in the City for Kids event on April 16 and Hamilton's Earth Day Ecofest on April 20 at the Hamilton Convention Centre. Team members were on hand to answer questions about solar racing and renewable energy.

For more information about tickets, the McMaster Solar Car Project, or how to sponsor the team, visit

(Ken Baker is a third-year student in engineering physics and member of the McMaster Solar Car Team)