Event planning website created for student groups


An online student event planning tool has been developed by Student Affairs through a grant from the Student Services Committee, and in consultation with student groups and representatives from Environmental and Occupational Health Support Services (EOHSS).

This tool offers a step-by-step guide through the student event planning and risk assessment process. It allows recognized student groups such as Faculty societies, MSU clubs and Residence Life staff to complete the required EOHSS and event planning forms electronically.

The site also allows staff and Faculty members such as associate deans, assistant deans, directors, residence managers and EOHSS to approve these events online by simply following a link sent to their email and clicking a button. This online resource should make the event planning and risk management process easier and more efficient for both McMaster student planners and staff and faculty approvers.

Along with making the event planning process easier, the online tool will allow student groups to plan and organize events that are safe for all participants. It will help minimize the risk involved in events and insure that events planned support the overall mission of the University.

As always, any students organizing events or booking space must adhere to the Student Event Risk Management and space booking policies.

The website can be accessed at studentevents.mcmaster.ca. If you have any questions regarding the site, please contact us at judasst@mcmaster.ca.