New webinars foster a community of inclusion and belonging

Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend a series of webinars entitled Fostering A Community of Belonging at McMaster University, presented by the Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) along with campus partners, including Student Affairs, Faculty of Health Sciences and Employee & Labour Relations.

These free, virtual webinars will cover topics like respect, inclusion, belonging, effective intragroup dialogue and human rights. The webinar sessions will begin in mid-January and run until early March.

“In light of the recent world events, we want to offer a space for students, faculty and staff to learn about McMaster’s foundational commitment to human rights, as well as our collective responsibility to learn, teach and work in an environment that is free from discrimination,” says Barrington Walker, vice-provost, Equity and Inclusion. “Everyone is invited to attend the webinars, which are just one of the ways the Equity and Inclusion Office is partnering across campus to build respectful relationships with all members of our community.”

Registration for the webinars is required and can be completed online. The webinars are 45 minutes in length and offered per Faculty and different sessions for either students or faculty and staff. A question and answer session will occur at the end of each webinar.

To register, select a webinar from the options below, including options per Faculty and an open session:

Student Webinars:

Faculty and Staff Webinars:

All of the webinars will include Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) and American Sign Language (ASL) for accessibility.

If you have any questions about these webinars, please email the EIO at

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