Economists gather at McMaster for international conference

Close to 700 economists from around the world will gather at McMaster this week for the 39th annual Canadian Economics Association meeting.
Hosted by McMaster's Department of Economics, the meeting will begin Thursday, May 26 with the conference of the Canadian Public Economics Group as well as the Canadian Employment Research Forum, where papers on the labour markets for physicians, nurses and other health professionals will be presented.
On Friday, there will be a large number of sessions, including one chaired by Bank of Canada governor David Dodge on “70 Years of Central Banking in Canada.” Also on Friday, Paul Beaudry, from the University of British Columbia, will deliver the Innis Lecture, entitled, “Explorations in Medium-Run Macroeconomics”.
Other invited speakers include James Poterba of M.I.T., the only economist on President Bush's new tax reform commission and New York Times columnist Robert Frank of Cornell University. Saturday's events include the Association's Presidential Address by Barbara Spencer of the University of British Columbia, speaking on the topic “International Outsourcing and Incomplete Contracts”.
For more information about this conference and invited speakers visit