Dance to combat violence against women

Faculty, staff, students and the community are invited to dance for a good cause.
McMaster Women's Studies Program has organized a dress up and dance event called “Great Women . . . and the Men Who Stand Behind Them” on Friday, Dec. 10 to raise money for The McMaster Anti-Violence Network and the Hamilton Sexual Assault Centre.
“What better way to celebrate the season and unwind from the stresses of the semester than to dress up, dance, and raise money for a wonderful cause,” says Susan Fast, acting director of the Women's Studies Program. “Please don a costume, or come as the great woman or man you already are, and let's have some fun together while we raise money for these important organizations.”
The dance will take place in Quarters, located in the basement of Togo Salmon Hall, from 8-11 p.m. Tickets are $10, or $5 for students and can be purchased in Togo Salmon Hall, Rm. 726 or 724.
The on-campus Anti-Violence Network is a group of faculty and staff who have been together since 1997 to share concerns, offer support and co-ordinate efforts against violence on campus. The Sexual Assault Centre helps women who are victims of sexual assault.
For further information, call 905-525-9140 ext. 23112 or 24265.