Conference to explore lessons learned from peace through health

Lessons learned from peace through health will be the focus of the second annual Peace Through Health conference, hosted by McMaster.
“There's a growing network of people throughout the world who are becoming more aware of the impact of violence, especially political violence, on health,” says lead organizer Joanna Santa Barbara, McMaster psychiatrist and 2004 Sibley Award Recipient. “The possibilities of expanding peace through skilful health practice excite people. We hope to bring together practitioners and educators who are working with this framework to generate fruitful ideas.”
The conference, entitled “Peace Through Health: Learning from Action” takes place May 6 – 8, 2005, and is aimed at health and peace professionals, educators, students or journalists. Registration for the conference closes March 31.
The conference will facilitate ongoing communication about Peace Through Health initiatives, with the purpose of advancing knowledge, skills and clues in this area.
For 20 years, Peace Through Health has been practiced in various parts of the world. This conference will be an opportunity to pause and reflect on lessons learned in the area of Peace Through Health using real case examples from around the globe. There will be a special emphasis on the implications for education of students and practitioners.
“McMaster has been a centre of development of this framework,” Santa Barbara says. “Our experience with students suggests that many find this an inspiring way to express the altruism they brought to their studies in health or peace. We want people who attend this conference to leave with greater vision about possible work and sharper ideas about how to do it well.”
The conference will include plenary sessions, facilitated workshops or small group discussions, an “open space” format, large group discussions and poster sessions.
To register for the conference or for more information visit: