Community input sought on bike racks


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”McMaster has added 34 bike racks to campus since 2007, for a total of more than 230. McMaster is also home to a secure storage facility and 34 bike lockers. File photo.”]The Office of Sustainability has released an online poll for feedback on the locations of
20 new bike racks for 2012.

McMaster has added 34 bike racks to campus since 2007, for a total of more than 230.
McMaster is also home to a secure storage facility and 34 bike lockers.

In collaboration with the McMaster Students Union, Security & Parking Services and
Facility Services, the Office of Sustainability plans to increase the number of bike racks
again next year.

“We continue to see a demand for new bike racks around campus with many of them
being overcrowded,” said Kate Whalen, manager of the Office of Sustainability. “Since
students make up our biggest cycling population, we're especially interested in where
they want new ones to be located.”

The poll is available online
until January 2, 2012.

Currently, the poll shows the Ivor Wynne Centre to be the most preferred location, with
about 40 per cent of the votes, followed by the Burke Science Building and Commons building.

McMaster has been recognized for its biking and sustainable transportation initiatives,
many of which have broader connections with the Hamilton community.

A 2008 Transport Canada report highlighted McMaster and four other post-secondary
institutions for exemplary bike facilities and biker experience. The report examined
campus-based initiatives aimed at reducing single-occupancy vehicle use and
promoting sustainable alternatives.

According to the 21st Maclean's University Rankings, McMaster is one of Canada's top
five cycling schools, along with the University of Victoria, University of British Columbia,
University of Ottawa and McGill University.