Co-op opens doors to consulting world


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”McMaster MBA students, who launched Focus Business Consulting, from left are, Stephen Weir, Mohamed Bhamani, Nathan Notwell.”]When three McMaster MBA students were looking for a co-op opportunity last fall, they couldn't find anything that suited them.

So Stephen Weir, Mohamed Bhamani and Nathan Notwell decided to create their own opportunity and launched Focus Business Consulting, a company run by MBA students in their final year of study.

The trio, which operates the company in partnership with the DeGroote School of Business, offers a range of consulting services to small and medium-sized businesses, ranging from local entrepreneurs to multi-national information technology companies. Before they graduate in January 2006, they will train a set of new recruits who will take over the business.

Currently, they have signed five clients and are working with four or five prospects. Clients range from an American franchise looking to locate in Canada to a large IT company interested in the purchasing and decision-making processes of hospitals in Canada. With a resource team of university professors, community leaders, and seasoned industry professionals, the students work with clients to identify specific needs and challenges facing their business.

While the co-op placement has been a valuable learning experience, it also is a great service for the business school, says Weir. “Many companies call the school asking if we offer consulting services. Now they have somewhere they can go.”

He also believes they are helping raise the stature of the business school, by working with local businesses and taking part in speaking engagements, including the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and the McMaster Business Advisory Council.

Finally, he says, it exposes them to the local business community. “We have attended many events and have had opportunities to speak at some of them. It has allowed us to meet with a variety of business leaders and learn from their experiences.”

In the end, they hope it opens doors to the consulting world. “All three of us have a strong interest in consulting,” says Weir, “and pursuing a career in it (consulting) is likely for all of us.”

The students celebrated the success of the company with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday in the faculty lounge of the DeGroote School of Business. For more information about Focus Business Consulting visit