City of Hamilton votes to explore potential use of MIP land


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Hamilton City Council, at a special meeting on Tuesday, passed a
motion for the city of Hamilton to negotiate with the Tiger Cats to
build a new stadium that includes the McMaster Innovation Park (MIP)
as a potential site. The parcel of land that has been identified by
the city is on the west side of Longwood Road, north of Aberdeen
Avenue, and comprises about half of the McMaster Innovation Park. The
property has already been committed to research and development in
areas such as hybrid vehicles and green technology.

The University has had no formal discussions with the city about the
MIP property in connection with the PanAm Games or the Tiger Cats.
McMaster takes very seriously its role as a community partner and as
always the University is willing to sit down with the city to discuss
important issues.

The McMaster Innovation Park is designed to create jobs, to promote
new discoveries, and to support Hamilton's economic development. The
University purchased the former Camco site in 2005 and immediately
began the redevelopment of the property to bring together university
research, industry, business and government partners. The city has
been a strong supporter of this vision creating the Innovation
District around the MIP lands to nurture its growth and development.

  • The red brick building at MIP will be fully occupied by this
    fall with a variety of companies and organizations that value the
    advantages the Innovation Park brings to their growth potential;

  • The newly constructed CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory is a
    $60 million investment that will officially open later this fall; and

  • Construction will begin next spring on the $40 million Centre for
    Primary Care which brings together health research, training for
    health care professionals and patient care.
  • The western portion of the MIP site that has been identified by the
    city in its discussions about a new stadium is already committed to
    the continued development of MIP. This past spring McMaster announced
    the construction of a new 15,000 square-foot hybrid vehicle research
    facility on the west side of MIP as part of a 50,000 square-foot, $30
    million Automotive Resource Centre and Emerging Technologies Centre


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