Campus construction projects, 2000-2003

The McMaster campus will be a beehive of construction and renovation
activity over the next few years as the University embarks on the most extensive capital improvements work carried out in the last 10 years.
Virtually every major building on campus will be affected by the projects, which are being funded through a variety of government programs, such as SuperBuild, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Access to Opportunities Program, private donors and the
The following project summaries provide a brief overview
of the construction projects that will transform the face of the University campus over the next few years as McMaster gears up for a projected increase in enrolment in 2003.
Many of the renovation projects are interlocking, and work in some
buildings won't commence until renovation work in other buildings is completed so that various departments can be relocated.
For example, when T-16 is completed, the occupants of the third floor of the General Sciences Building will relocate there, which frees up this floor in GS for renovations.
Building T-16 (former high school, teachers' college)
Project description: Once slated for complete demolition, this building is now being gutted inside and renovated to house
new laboratories and classrooms for the Faculty of Engineering's expanded engineering software and electrical & computer
engineering programs. Plans call for a complete modernization of the
building with a new roof and windows, a penthouse, a new mechanical and electrical system, and air conditioning. Efforts will be made to save as much of the original terrazzo flooring as possible. The exterior of the facility will remain largely intact, with stones realigned.
Funding: SuperBuild, Access to Opportunities Program, McMaster
Architect: Atkinson Engineering
Timeline: April 2000-May 2001
Arthur Bourns Building
Project description: Three major renovations projects are planned for this building: eight new chemistry labs will be built
(replacing the older labs in the Burke Science Building); the cafeteria will become a testing centre; and two lounges in the
building will be converted into classrooms.
Architect: Atkinson Engineering/Cianfrone
Funding: SuperBuild
Timeline: Laboratories to be completed by September 2001; testing centre to be ready for September 2000; conversion of
lounges to commence in summer 2001
Advanced Materials Technology (addition to Arthur Bourns)
Project description: Contractors will be adding a T-shaped addition to the southwest end of the Arthur Bourns Building
facing Cootes Drive. The addition will be two floors high and house
laboratory space and offices.
Funding: Canada Foundation for Innovation
Timeline: Currently unknown; start date unconfirmed, pending
approval of second application to CFI (successful applicants
to be announced in July)
McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (addition to John Hodgins
Engineering Building)
Project description: This three-storey addition to the John Hodgins Engineering Building will be home to the new McMaster
Manufacturing Research Institute. The facility will house a metal-working shop that extends two floors high; the remaining
floor will accommodate offices, classrooms and a seminar room.
Funding: Canada Foundation for Innovation, McMaster University
Architect: Graff Architects
Timeline: Work to commence in early July
McMaster Institute for Applied Radiation Sciences (extension to Nuclear Research Building)
Project description: This facility for the Applied Radiation Sciences program will be added to the south end of the Nuclear
Research Building. The second floor of the NRB will be renovated, after almost 60 years of no upgrades. Features of the new
addition include an elevator, new bay area, office space and a new bridge to the reactor.
Funding: Canada Foundation for Innovation, McMaster University
Architect: Atkinson Engineering
Timeline:Fall 2000
New Student Residence
Project description: A six-storey building that will house 300
occupants has been proposed. The new residence will be situated on the parking lot west of Matthews Hall (Zone 3 Parking)and extend across Scholar's Road. Scholar's Road would be closed to through traffic; a new access road will be built around the site to maintain the connection to Scholars Road. The facility will consist of 14 self-contained suites per floor, with each suite containing four rooms, two baths, and kitchen and living-room space. The residence will also include an 8,000-sq.-ft. dining hall to service students from neighbouring
residences (Bates, Matthews, Edwards, Moulton and Wallingford). An impact study is being conducted to determine how traffic will be affected by closing off Scholar's Road.
Funding: McMaster University
Architect: Moffat Kinoshita
Timeline: Project tender to be issued in February 2001 with a target
completion date of May 2002
Institute for Applied Health Sciences
Project description: This building shared by students, faculty and
staff from McMaster and Mohawk College will house the two institutions' medical imaging, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and
nursing programs.
Funding: Province of Ontario
Architect: Consortium of Trevor Garwood-Jones and Zeidler Roberts
Timeline: Projected to be completed by mid-July; official opening is Sept. 15; Mohawk staff and administrators to move in
this August
University Centre
Project description: This is the largest construction project
undertaken in the University's recent history. The new centre will
occupy 158,348 sq. ft.(including new construction and renovated space). A three-storey building with one floor below ground
is being built.
Funding: McMaster students and alumni, corporate and private donors,the University
Architect: Moriyama & Teshima Architects
Timeline: March 2000-August 2001
Multimedia Wing (addition to Togo Salmon Hall)
Project description: A second-floor addition will be added to Togo
Salmon Hall (above the present site of the School of
Graduate Studies) to house a new computer laboratory for the Faculty of Humanities' multimedia program.
Funding: McMaster University, private donors
Architect: Richard Butterworth
Timeline: Work to commence between October and December 2000
E-Commerce Wing, School of Business
Project description: The School of Business will add a new wing,
opposite the Educational Trading Centre, for the expansion of the school's e-commerce program. The new facility will include a
research centre, classrooms and offices.
Funding: SuperBuild, private donors, McMaster University
Architect: Chamberlain Architect Services Limited
Timeline: Project now in the planning stages; to be completed
September 2001
Hamilton Hall
Project description: This building will be completely renovated with approximately 40 per cent of the space to be allocated to
offices and 60 per cent to be used for academic purposes, such as
classrooms, labs and study space. The faculty association,
the telecommunications offices and the two large lecture theatres will
remain in this building.
Funding: SuperBuild
Architect: TBA
Timeline: October 2001-Fall 2002
General Sciences Building*
Project description: The fourth floor of this building has already been renovated and now houses the School of Geography &
Geology. The basement will be partially renovated and floors 1 through 3 will be fully renovated.
Funding: SuperBuild
Architect: TBA
Timeline: Completion of renovations will follow the relocation of various areas, for example, the undergraduate chemistry
labs, to other newly renovated buildings (such as ABB and T-16).
Planned opening date: September 2002
Burke Science Building
Project description: This building will be the last to be renovated on campus. New classrooms and teaching labs are planned
for an increased enrolment in the business, humanities, social sciences and Arts & Science programs.
Funding: SuperBuild
Architect: TBA
Timeline: Completion by September 2003
New Entrance
Project description: In December 1999, the Board of Governors approved the establishment of a new entrance for the University from Main Street West (opposite Emerson Avenue). Work on this project is expected to start in the summer of 2001. An environmental assessment study for the proposed new entrance is currently being conducted by the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth.
*Editor's note: In an earlier posting, we stated that seven classrooms would be included in the renovation plans for this building. This information was incorrect.