Byk Canada gift supports purchase of medical journals

[img_inline align=”left” src=”” caption=”P.George, J. Suk, D. Fitzgerald”]Byk Canada Inc. will make a significant contribution to the future of McMaster University's Health Sciences Library by providing $150,000 to purchase important medical journals for the next five years.
Byk Canada's funding will support journals in gastroenterology, respiratory medicine and critical care. All three areas of study are central to research and education in the Faculty of Health Sciences, as well as the focus of research and development activity at Byk Canada.
“Journals are the lifeblood of a health sciences library,” says Russell Joffe, dean of health sciences. “They support the research of our faculty, the education of our students and the clinical service of our health practitioners. McMaster needs to ensure that print and electronic journals are available to those who need them.”
Almost half a million people use the Health Sciences Library each year.
Byk's funding will sponsor publications such as The Journal of Asthma, Digestion, and Pediatric Pulmonology. Such journals are essential to maintaining and strengthening the Library's collection so that the University can carry out its academic mission.
“It is our privilege to be able to work effectively with McMaster in this way,” says John Suk, president and CEO, Byk Canada Inc. “We view this as a unique opportunity to partner with our neighbour, a leading internationally renowned university and business partner in a number of scientific initiatives.”
Byk Canada Inc. is also a supporter of the arts at McMaster, and currently sponsors an annual student art competition.
Byk Canada Inc. is relatively new in the Canadian pharmaceutical industry. The company is a division of The Byk Gulden Group (a division of Altana AG) based in Konstanz, Germany. Byk Canada has 115 employees across Canada and has its corporate head office in Oakville.