Be part of the search for McMaster’s new president

The Committee to Recommend a President is hosting two open sessions to hear from students, faculty and staff.
“Consultation with the campus community is an important part of the search process,” said Paul Douglas, chair of the search committee and chair of the McMaster Board of Governors. “It is an opportunity for us to hear what people think are the attributes and experiences the next president should possess to meet the unique needs of McMaster at this time, to discuss the McMaster strengths that can be built upon, and the role they see the president playing to help achieve this.”
The first session will be focused on student input. The Round Table discussion on March 26 in Convocation Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon will be a chance for all students to meet committee members and to hear more about the process at McMaster for finding a new president. Students will also take part in a series of round tables to capture their input and ideas.
A second open meeting is also being planned for the afternoon of April 17 in Council Chambers in Gilmour Hall. The details of this session are still being finalized.
“We hope a wide range of people will participate in the open sessions but we welcome everyone to share their thoughts with the committee at any time,” said Douglas. A dedicated email address has been set up and will be the most effective way to reach members of the committee.
A new website has also been launched to provide information on the presidential search. It includes details of the search process, frequently asked questions and answers and communication updates.