Athletes code of conduct approved

The Department of Athletics & Recreation, as well as the University's Senate, has sent a clear message to the school's student-athletes that they shouldn't just be concerned with winning or losing.
Now, they should also be devoted to promoting and enhancing the image of both the University and themselves.
At the May 8 meeting of Senate, a Code of Conduct for Competitive Teams was approved. That document is meant to reinforce to both players and students that they must behave in a manner consistent with both the McMaster Student Code of Conduct as well as the expectations set down by Athletics & Recreation.
The code holds a number of behavioural standards for all student-athletes, including:
* a commitment to behaviour that will enhance the University's image as well as that of teammates;
* conduct in the spirit of sporting behaviour in all situations;
* treating others with dignity and respect (which includes refraining from hazing, sexist, racist or discriminatory language and behaviour); and
* adherence to the rules and regulations of the athlete's sport.
A clear process is also laid out for dealing with any alleged violations. That procedure includes the appointment of a trained investigating officer by the Department of Athletics & Recreation to gather information immediately upon receipt of information that there may have been an infraction.
A departmental disciplinary panel, composed of staff from the department as well as student-athletes, will form a tribunal to conduct a formal hearing on any alleged cases of misconduct.
Any recommendations from the tribunal must then be accepted by the department.
Appropriate sanctions for any infraction, include, but are not limited to:
* suspension of the individual or team for one or more competitions or an entire season;
*removal of funding from the team; and
*community service by the individual or team.
Individual athletes may also face discipline under the guidelines of the Student Code of Conduct.