Area high school students compete for title of ‘best brain’


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The eighth annual McMaster Brain Bee will take place Tuesday, putting high school
students from Hamilton, Halton and Niagara in the hot seat as they compete for the
title of “best brain”.

More than 30 students will answer questions on topics such as intelligence, memory,
emotions, movement, stress, aging and sleep as part of the competition, hosted by the
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour.

“The Brain Bee is a great opportunity for students to show off their knowledge in a
number of subject areas,” said Matt Pachai, event organizer. “It's also an excellent
opportunity for us to show potential students what McMaster has to offer in the fields
of psychology, neuroscience and behaviour.

The winner of the competition will go on to represent McMaster at the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Canadian National Brain Bee, scheduled to take place on
campus in May. That round's winner will represent Canada at the International Brain
Bee in Italy.

The competition begins with a closed written test, with the public stage beginning at 3


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