Application numbers show strong demand from secondary school students


McMaster's Enrolment Management team continues its work as applications from secondary school students are being received.

Preliminary secondary school application statistics confirm McMaster continues to be a strong choice of students hoping to begin studies in September. Total applications to McMaster have risen 3.3 per cent this year, compared to 2007. Nearly 35,000 applications have been received to date.

“This first preliminary snapshot of applications shows strong demand in several areas,” says Fred A. Hall, associate vice-president academic and chair of the Enrolment Management team. “While we await final information and marks from students, the team is working to balance this increased demand with the University's enrolment target, which is lower than last year.”

McMaster's enrolment goal for first-year undergraduate students is 4,965, a 2.6 per cent decrease from September 2007.

“This reduced target reflects the decision to stabilize enrolments over the next few years,” Hall says.

McMaster's first-year enrolment has risen 22 per cent since 2004, the year after the double cohort.

The preliminary application statistics show increased demand for programs in Engineering, Nursing, Business and Science. The first round of offers is expected to be mailed beginning in late February.