An exchange in Denmark: a journey of a lifetime

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Stephanie DeSa”]Editor's note: The following article, written by McMaster commerce student Stephanie DeSa, was published in Denmark's JP Aarhus. The article is about DeSa's experiences on a five-month student exchange at the Aarhus School of Business, in Denmark. DeSa, a fourth-year student in McMaster's DeGroote School of Business will return to McMaster this fall to complete her studies in commerce.
Lao Tzu once stated – a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Applying for an international exchange position was my first step of a journey of a lifetime. It has been about three months since I left the comfort of my own home just outside of Toronto, Canada for Aarhus, Denmark and it already feels like home here. The first week was spent learning the bus schedule, seeing the city and taking note of all the good bars.
Life in Denmark is definitely a change from back home; but a great experience nonetheless. I am a business student with a passion for marketing and international business who is living in one of the many student kollegiums here in Aarhus. Classes at the Aarhus School of Business for the exchange students certainly have an international flare to them; with students from all across the globe participating in lively discussion and exchanging ideas. Evenings are spent in the company of good friends, hanging out at our kollegium of experiencing the exciting nightlife of Aarhus. From Klebben to Social Club – one thing is for sure, the Danes know how to party!
Prior to this trip, I have traveled to Europe before, but never for such a long period of time – and on my own. Another great thing about living in Europe, is the fact that traveling is so easy. Thus far, we have seen Hamburg, Vienna, Budapest and Berlin, with a planned trip to Amsterdam currently in the works.
I have come to Denmark as a sponge; ready to soak up every bit of culture that Aarhus has to offer. I would definitely recommend an international exchange to anyone as it allows them to broaden their horizons and experience a new culture. The memories that I have made here in Arhus will stay with me forever.