Aligning with McMaster’s aspirations – changes coming to the Provost’s Office

Historic building on university campus surrounded by snow.

Internal searches are about to begin for two new roles – a deputy provost and a vice-provost, Teaching and Learning.  

Academic excellence and an outstanding student experience.  Those were the cornerstones presented by the provost and vice-president, Academic in her State of the Academy talk last November.  Now, Susan Tighe is ensuring the provost’s office is in the strongest position to deliver on those commitments.

“It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year and a half since I arrived at McMaster,” said Tighe.  “It’s given me the chance to get to know the amazing work that happens at the university and to understand the strengths and aspirations the deans and others have for their areas. It has also enabled me to consult with the McMaster community so that priorities are aligned and coordinated, ensuring my office is best positioned to help deliver on these plans and the president’s strategic goals means it is time to make a few changes.”

Replacing some current roles and initiating searches to fill other positions will allow greater support across the provost’s areas of responsibilities.

Internal searches are about to begin for two new roles – a deputy provost and a vice-provost, Teaching and Learning.

The deputy provost will focus on matters related to academic operations and planning, faculty, academic leadership, student recruitment and external partnerships, including the provincial SMA3 agreement.  The role is a key support to the provost and will be a senior member of the provost’s executive team.

The vice-provost, Teaching and Learning will advance excellence through the implementation of McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy and by working in close partnership with the Faculty deans, the deputy-provost, dean of Graduate Studies and the associate vice-president (Students and Learning) and deans of Students and overseeing the MacPherson Institute for Teaching and Learning to support a holistic approach to education at McMaster.

Interested faculty members should forward a letter of intent and their current curriculum vitae to  The deadline for applications is January 31, 2022.

“McMaster has been fortunate to have a history of innovative leadership and there are a number of other searches that will happen over the early part of 2022 that I know will continue that tradition.  We have also learned much during the pandemic and as we look to the future we want to ensure that we continue to foster innovation in everything that we do,” said Tighe.  The search consultant has now been hired to assist with the search for a new dean of Engineering and there are a number of other senior roles, including the dean of Science, dean of Graduate Studies and the vice-provost, International, are approaching the end of their terms.

A new senior manager, Academic Projects and Reviews is also joining the Provost’s Office.  Nancy McKenzie earned her PhD in McMaster’s Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Science and has been a key part of transformative changes in undergraduate pedagogy.  She has acquired extensive project management leadership through her roles as an Assistant Professor (CLA) in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and as Manager of the Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization Program.  Her new role begins on January 24th.

“Creating a team of leaders that will work cooperatively, build trust and deliver on McMaster’s goals is an imperative,” according to Tighe.  “It is an exciting time and I look forward to continuing to keep our McMaster community updated on the work on the Provost’s Office.”

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