Alcohol Awareness Fair offers sobering lessons

McMaster students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to learn about alcohol and its effect on university students on Thursday, Nov. 4.
The “That's The Spirit” Alcohol Awareness Fair is an opportunity for all McMaster students to learn about low-risk drinking, responsible planning, the dangers of impaired driving, and the connection between alcohol, academics and risky behaviours.
Hosted by McMaster University Campus Health & Wellness Centre (part of the Campus Health Centre), the day involves participation from student groups, university departments, and community groups including:
- the Student Life Education Company
- Hamilton Police
- Hamilton Public Health & Community Services
- Hamilton MADD
- Quarters
- Student Health Education Centre
- Athletics & Recreation
- Security
- Centre for Student Development
- Residence Life
- Judicial Affairs
- First Year Experience Office
See the world through the eyes of drunk using the “Fatal Vision goggles”. Play some games, test your knowledge, have a few mocktails and win a prize at the fair, which will take place in the MUSC Marketplace from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.